
He's got to be

Ryan could feel her own blood boil as Eli talks about how once again they said nothing could be done because there was no proof. She new what Eli had done to Alec was wrong but he deserved it and would not scold her brother. Shaking her hear she was about to say something but stops at the dr comes in. Standing with Eli she just listens.

Hearing everything he had to say Ryan couldn't believe the damage that was done to Tal. How could anyone do that to someone so nice? Even if they had been jealous or  mad and now the one who inflicted the harm was getting away scott free? That wasn't far and Ryan new it.

Ryan can feel a tear form in her eye. From anger, hurt, sadness it all mixed together and she wasn't sure what one she was feeling more. Eli's hand in her own was a comfort though she couldn't even imagine what Tal looked like.

   "No he doesn't, if we had just taken what Alec said seriously...this wouldn't have happened Eli. This is my fault."

Ryan would stay till they were able to see Tal than she had something she needed to do of her own. Her mind reeling...she wasn't sure if the whole thing with Tal could of been avoided but she felt guilty about it anyways. She hated Alec for what he did and there was no way he could get away with it. She'd give him a peace of her mind, and let him know there was no way this changed anything with them.

   "He's gotta be ok Eli, he's got to be!"

Looking up from the table Ashlee gives a smile at Eric. She was happy he'd gone to look for her mom after he had been so upset with her. She thought she new the reason but there was so much more she didn't know too. 

   "Thanks Eric for being the one to find my mom."

Glancing down again and running her finger along the table for a second Ashlee couldn't help the small feeling of guilt for making her mom and Eric fight. Looking up again she her eyes held small tears that were trapped behind them. Maybe it was joy her mom was ok, or the fact that she had caused a fight or maybe it was both.

   "I'm sorry I got you and my mom into a fight. I didn't mean for that to happen. I just...I don't want you to be mad at me for it."

Maybe it was the lack of having a father that cause Ashlee to be scared that Eric would not want to spend time with her anymore now. Or that her mom might have been so upset that she said he couldn't be around her but Ashlee hoped that wasn't the case. Over the last few days she new he was avoiding her and it killed her to think they couldn't be friends anymore.

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