
Run Over

Groaning and opening her eyes slightly Katie closes them quickly again as the light seemed to pearce them as her head throbbed. She felt like she'd been bashed over the head a few times with something. Katie couldn't remember a time when she had, had one worse than this.

   "Oh man...what happened?"

The last thing she could remember was...being at a bar with Hunter. She must have drank more than she planned. So this was a hang over...was it really worth this to get drunk? If asked Katie would say now, this really sucked.

   "A drink and shower sound nice if I can open my eyes long enough to see where I am going and what I am doing. I didn't indent on getting that drunk last night."

Pulling herself up on the couch and opening her eyes Katie takes the orange juice and gives a nod of thanks for Hunter. She was thankful he was thought full and brought it for her. Giving a nod of thanks she takes a long swige and the aspirin follow.

   "How much did I drink last night? I can't remember."

Giving a smile and a laugh at Jared's comment Grace shakes her head coming just a little closer. She didn't mind his flirting. He did it in a suddle way but still got his point across. Patting his arm Grace's eyes sparkled. 

Seeing something in Jared's own eyes that was less happy dosn't changer her expression though but she takes it into consideration maybe as something to talk about once they were outside. It was to nice to be in here, and fresh air would do Jared good.

   "Ok, let me go get someone to help get you into a chair ok?"

Leaving it doesn't take Grace long to get someone and help get Jared into the chair while also letting him try and stand on his legs. Even if he couldn't support his weight it would still help get the blood flowing the same way the hot and cold would.

   "Alright, here we go. I was thinking maybe we could hit up the garden. Its nice and sunny there and the views not bad either. What do you think?"

Looking up at Eric as he walks over Stacy's smile widens a little more. This morning had been a great one, the afternoon went pretty well, and now that it was night and Eric had come over it was going to be just as good. Stacy was happy that at least he was not tiring to avoided her and forget what happened the other night. She didn't want to forget about it...no...not anytime soon if ever.

   "That seat had been waiting there in hopes you showed up tonight. So yes, yes you can sit and join us."

Glancing to her mother than to Eric than to her mother again Ashlee can't help her own smile that grew even more. It was so easy to see how much Her mom and Eric liked each other. It made her happy too seeing how happy her mom was.

Eric was a good guy and she new he would treat her mom right. Ashlee liked him a lot and would be proud and honored to call him her father as long as he didn't mind. Thinking about that though causes her to give a little giggle aloud. Maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself.

   "Don't let him fool you Dylan sometimes I have to bribe him into going to the dinning hall. Sometimes I even have to tell him if he does than he can grill the next day."

Faith gives a big smile as she looks from Dylan to Sparky. Taking a sip of her water and a wink she new he would know she was teasing. 

Having Dylan here for dinner was nice and Faith didn't mind it one bit. It was nice cooking for someone else too. Guests didn't come to there home for supper often so having an extra body was pleasant, and seeing Dylan was comfortable here was nice too. She was happy the young man could find comfort.

   "I hope everything is cooked for you alright too Dylan. I wasn't sure what you liked but I figured who could go wrong with pot roast and potatoes."

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