

Cassy gives a little nod as she watches Leo lay down again. She liked him, maybe more than she should already but they had agreed on being just friends right now and thats where she would keep it for the time being. There was nothing wrong with a friend checking on a friend.

"I am happy you are sick as well than, and don't you worry about me. I'll be ok."

Giving his leg a pat Cassy stands and takes the bowl from him leaving the tea for now so he could drink a little more.

"Your welcome. There is pleany more too so if you want anymore in a bit before I head home I'll warm some more up. I'm going to go wash up these few dishes and than will be back in to check on ya. Try and get some rest."

Wrapping her own arm around Jason's wast as they made there way to there normal table she takes in his words thinking about them for a long moment. She'd seen the look that passed in Carson's eyes as well.

Yeah you can tell he does, but Herb have him this place, only a sliver still belongs to him. Without Carson this place would be forced to close down. Maybe he is content in knowing that even though he does miss it this place is almost really his and someone believe in him enough to turn there dream over to his hands.

Stopping and sliding into the booth Katie looks over to where Carson was just watching him for a long moment. She remembered when she'd first met Carson, and what he did to Jamie. To have her father now trust Carson enough to give him his business that had to bring some kind of feeling to Carson.

I think maybe its a feeling of honor as well to stay here, knowing Herb thought of him as a son after everything that happened. Carson has come a long way and maybe this place is a good reminder to him, and Maybe TJY calls him once in a while is a nice fix on his hunger for action as well. Even if its not as much as he likes.

Letting out a tiny sigh Katie looks back to Jason giving him a smile. Her eyes twinkling as she gazed at his face like she had so many times before.

Sometimes we just gotta take things as they come and roll with it. Even if its not what we planned, or even if we want something more. God doesn't always have that in mind for us. Not yet anyways.

Holding on tight to Eli once again Scarlet relaxes and enjoys the ride showing him where to turn, and what apartment building was hers. The cool air washing over her as she held on to Eli felt nice and Scarlet truly did enjoy it.

Finally getting to her place Scarlet was almost sad the ride was over. Taking her helmet off but staying on the bike for a moment she lets out a low sigh. Not of distress but almost contentment.

"Sounds good. I can find a ride to shop when my bike is ready unless your going to come give me a ride again."

Leaning forward on the bike Scarlet leans over Eli's shoulder bringing her lips to his cheeks pressing them firmly for a moment. Retreating after a few moments Scarlet finally dismounts but doesn't move to far away keeping her hand on his arm and coming around a little to look him in the eyes the grin on her face as her eyes continues to twinkle looking at him, searching his own face.

"There now its a first date, and you got a kiss on the cheek."

Scarlet gives Eli a little wink as her smile grows.

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