
Thats Why

Standing in the bathroom Ryan looks in the mirror again. She'd never really liked dressing like this. Her hair done up, makeup, a dress on. She actually felt really uncomfortable. For more reason than one. Hadn't this whole thing with Alec being dead gone on long enough? Was this really a ploy to just cut him out of life forever. 

Looking down at her phone again her eyes scan the reply from Alec. They just dont want us to be together, thats why...! Would her brother, the people she thought were friends really go this far to ensure that he stayed out of her life forever. It confused Ryan and hurt as well.

  Should I just not go?

 No you have to go. They don't know we are talking and if they did...who knows.

Giving a sigh Ryan new Alec had a point. She didn't like this, she didn't like pretending he was dead, but if no one thought she believed them, who knows what else they would try. She hated thinking that but if they went to this length one could only guess what else they would do.

Hearing Eli call her from down the hall Ryan lets out another sigh and heads out of the bathroom giving Zidan a pat on the head before exiting her room and heading twords Eli.

  "Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll never be. Lets get this over with."

Sitting on her bed Misty just sat as tears rolled down her face. Why...why this after be so real. People had been back to see her, let her know that they had proof Alec really was dead she'd been silent for the most part through it all, and if she did speak it was only a few words at a time. She'd lost everything, her child, her husband, her relationship she was trying to work on, and now she lost the closest thing to a brother she'd had left. Her body hurt and she just wanted to lay down again, but she new she couldn't.

  "Jas, I'm ready."

Misty's words were quiet, and yet held so much emotion. Her eyes were bloodshot and red. It was time to say good bye. Time to try and let go She'd already made the desition that after the ground had settled from burying Alec she was going to have a headstone for her baby next to him. Some might think it was silly but she felt it would be right and healthy. There would be no service for the child, but it would be there next to the Uncle who had cherished her so much without even knowing her yet.

Sitting in one of the chairs that had been set up Sapphire fiddled with the hem on the bottom of her dress jacket. It was a nice day out, but it didn't seem so nice. Alec, one of her friends, one of her only friends who got her quirks and didn't care was gone. There were so many "What ifs" that ran through her head and yet she new nothing could of changed the path Alec had chosen and now he was gone. Life would go on for her, but it would be hard, and the lose of a friend would leave a big hole, but maybe in time she could look back on the good times and smile hoping that maybe one day she'd see Alec again when she was called home.

Angelica stood with Reese a little bit away in some shade. Her heart was full of the sadness that washed over most of the Elite. The office had been quiet, dull, and almost like a ghost town over the last few days of work.

Though Alec had made mistakes, and betrayed many people he'd still been a friend at one point, and was trying to turn his life around. So this would be the day they would say good bye to there friend and lay him to rest. A task that was never an easy one and Angelica new it would be hard to Reese even if he didn't say it. Taking his hand in her own she gave it a small squeeze. She was there with him, and he was with her. They'd lean on each other.  

After doing her rounds Stacy made her way to the barn hay layloft. She wasn't sure if Eric would be there or not after his abrupt exit to dinner. She wasn't sure what it was about but she did want to make sure he was ok.

Seeing his shadow as she walked up the ladder she couldn't help but smile. She always smile when she was around him. Tonight though something seemed to be bother him, to be weighing heavy on his mind. Easing down next to him and just letting her legs hang from the window she leaned in just a little bit twords him.

   "When you left so fast at dinner I thought something might be wrong. Everything ok?"

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