
Another Day

Stacy gives a smile to Eric and a nod. She new he didn't like being told what to do but she just wanted to make sure if was ok before he went off and started riding or doing anything else again. She new he had to take care of himself with his own health issues looming. It was just a chance she didn't want to take.

   "Alright, I will make sure someone keeps Static ready for you so if Angel clears you, you can teach him who is boss."

Giving a wave Stacy turns and heads to the barn. She was satisfied that he was going and she was sure that Angel would convince him not to do anything else if she really felt he shouldn't. That she was very sure of.

Working on some paper work at her desk Angel looks up seeing Chad and Eric come into the room. Standing she hurry over to them and motions for Chad to set Eric down. She had heard a commotion outside but wasn't sure what it was, did whatever was wrong with Eric have to do with it?

   "Thank you Chad for bringing him here."

Taking a few moments to look over Eric's leg and ask a few questions to get the whole picture Angel now whats he was looking for. It was pretty clear though looking at the welt and the start of a bruise what was going on. Poking a little and prodding Angel was finally done and able to asses correctly what was going on and how to help Eric.

   "Well the good news is nothing is broken and if taken care of it will heal. The bad news it though its a very deep tissue bruise. You're going to have stay off your feet for at least a day or to and let it heal before an infection sets in again. With you starting to drive again as well I think it would be a good idea to rest today and tomorrow and than let me check you over before you leave."

Hearing Eric would be semi ok and conformation from Eric that he would be ok Chad slowly makes his exit not wanting to cause any more problems than he had already. Chad really couldn't help but feel bad about what had happened with Eric.

Leaving the infirmary Chad makes his way back to his bunk. Breakfast was forgotten as he was more worried about Rosalyn now. First he needed to change into some real clothing though before he ran all over the ranch in his pajamas. 

It didn't take him long to shower and change before he was leaving the bunk again. He wasn't one hundred percent sure where Rosalyn would have gone but by the way he'd seen her head he had a good guess. It wouldn't take long to get to the place they called there tree and seeing her leaning against it he smiles a little to himself.

   "Even when your not smile, deep in thought your beauty is beyond compare."

Coming up to the tree next to Rosalyn Chad reaches out and runs a finger along her jaw line and over her cheekbone giving a soft smile. With everything that had happened the last thing he wanted her to think was that he was mad at her or that he was going to be scared away. However he did feel responsible for what had happened.

   "I'm really sorry I got you in trouble. Even if we didn't do anything wrong I should of known better than to let you stay the whole night. Will you forgive me?"

Grace couldn't help but be excited about coming over to see Jared today. It had been a little bit now as her calendar had filled up quick. She always tried to make time for him since he was one of her pashent to but he was becoming more than that slowly he was also becoming her friend and that meant doing what she could to see him. 

Knowing the door was open Grace enters poking her head into the kitchen and saying hello to Lyda before heading down the hall to Jared's room a brown paper bag in hand, and her duffel bag in the other. It was not bad out today but a little chilly. So maybe opening the windows and staying inside was in order. 

   "Hey Jared."

Knocking and entering Grace gives a big smile as she draws closer to the bed. The memorie of there kiss still locked in her head and thinking about put color on her cheeks but it wasn't something she wanted to shy away from and it didn't make her think any differently of Jared other than he really was a good kisser.

   "Hows it going? Sorry it's been a few days. Things have been crazy."

Setting the bag downs and coming around to the bed Grace reaches down and gives a hug to Jared. Pulling away and sitting down on the edge of the bed Grace's eyes give a small twinkle. She enjoyed coming over and standing time with Jared. He was fun to talk too, and it had become a bright spot to her. She only hoped once he was better maybe they could continue there friendship.

 "So I figured if you didn't mind since it was gloomy out we could open the windows right here and have a inside picnic."

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