
Rock 'n roll

Grinning, Quinn shakes his head and follows Anastasia out into the night air. Though he walks to his own car, he makes sure he sees which car is hers. Getting into the passenger side of his car, he rummages around until he finds what he's looking for, then locks up and joins Anastasia in her car.

"Okay." He grabs his seatbelt. "Ready to roll." He didn't even know why he was enjoying this so much. He didn't know Anastasia at all, but he'd already spent almost the entire evening with her and it wasn't over yet. What was he thinking? It just didn't feel strange.

Looking out the window as the sights go by, Quinn comments on a few things he noticed, or asked what was what. Once they're on the open road though, the stars and moon become visible and the drive was even more enjoyable.

He finally takes out his CD and slips it into the player without showing the case. Turning up the volume, he grins. "Sorry but... after hearing that guy earlier... I can't get it out of my head. I need the real thing."

No sooner had he spoken, but the old rock 'n roll music starts along with Elvis' voice.

Having Katie slide down and hold him on the couch, Jason tries to relax, but it was difficult. He'd been through this before and he always recovered. But it was always tiring... always exhausting. He'd been through worse... barely making it back to the living again, but usually that was when Katie wasn't available. He felt different this time... for some reason... but it wasn't worth bringing up now.

Sniffing, his tears slow and he nuzzles into Katie, managing to pull out some love through all the other negative emotions. She deserved a medal for her stamina and he made sure she could feel that emotion.

His fingers lock with hers and his eyes close, just wanting morning to come. And it would... but it would be after two bouts with severe nightmares, getting sick several times in the night, and then finally managing to be back on the couch with Katie when the sun rose...

The lights spills in through the living room window, spreading a warm glow over the couch. It was the first morning since Jason had been here that the scent of breakfast wasn't wafting through the air. Instead, he was still lying on the couch, even more exhausted than the evening before.

Stirring as the room is lit, Jason tries to think through the thick fog in his mind, but it takes him several minutes to recall everything. Apparently he'd finally gotten an hour or two of sleep, but it felt like he'd been awake for a month.

Trying to turn around, it seemed every muscle in his body hurt. His hand slips from Katie's and he squints in the light, his head throbbing. Something just didn't feel right. He'd never felt quite like this before after a "normal" bad spell. It was only after some freak evolving or incident that he'd felt so exhausted. He couldn't help it that worry was one of the first emotions to slip through.

Shifting around so he's facing Katie, he kisses her forehead to wake her. "Katie?" It hurt even to talk. "Call Rick... have him come... okay?" He swallows and licks his dry lips. "And just tell... tell Destiny I'm sick is all... okay?" His eyes fall shut again, his body feeling like a dead weight.

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