
My Story

"But what if he was framed? Or something else happened but he had consent and yet the girl said it was rap anyways? Sometimes it takes looking past fact to see deeper...do you, did you see your brother as that type of person? If the answer is no you didn't than your only betraying yourself."

Thinking again for a long moment and taking a sip of her drink Anastasia lets the liquid slide down her throat and warm her inside. Even when it was hot outside she liked it.

Trying to choose her words wisely she didn't want Quinn to think she was telling him he was wrong, or what he thought was not right only that she was seeing both sides.

"Burying things and forgetting never solved anything. Some how, some way it always come back to smack us in the face. I do hope things will turn out ok for you, God's hand will be with you, and your brother every step of the way. Just...remember to let him be the leader."

Giving a warm smile and linking eyes with Quinn it was nice to hear he did in fact believe in God too. To have someone who shared her faith it felt nice and to talk about it freely with the other person having them understand was like a breath of fresh air.

Looking down at her own cup after Quinn's comment another smile spreads on her face. It was her time to talk now huh? Well why not Quinn had shared his soul now she could do the same, they story's were much different but the feelings were still the same.

Glancing up and seeing the waitress wondering around around she waves her over giving a sweet smile and point to both glasses.

"Fill em up please, and keep it coming its a good night tonight."

Once the waitress had filled there glasses and was gone again Anastasia takes a sip of the drink before setting the glass down and looking into it for a moment remember about her past for a moment before looking up at Quinn again.

"A long time ago in a land far far away...."

Anastasia stops for a moment and gives a grin. Maybe it still hurt thinking about the past only a little, but joking around about it helps a little.

"Ok now for the real thing. When I was about three my mother abandoned me with my Uncle who runs the shop I work in. My Uncle never hid the fact that my mom left and he was always opened about it but he'd never tell me why she did."

Looking down at her cup for a moment Anastasia runs her finger along the tip of the cup for a moment collecting her thoughts before looking up again. She was confidant, and ok talking about it but her eyes still glittered though somewhere behind them there was still a tiny little ping even if she did understand now.

" I was angry at my mom for a long time for leaving my like that and never coming around. My Uncle Chuck would always tell me that I needed to stop being angry because sometimes there is more to something than just the outside situation."

Anastasia could hear her Uncles words still so clean in her head. The words would follow her always reminding her to let her anger go and never hold on to it. They also helped her see past the outside of someone and into there soul.

"Soon my mom came back around and she wanted to start getting to know me. I didn't know if I wanted to see her because I was so angry but finally I did. At first I was very leery but than my mom told me why she left me. She had been jobless for a long time after I had been born and she couldn't care for me properly. So my Uncle Chuck said he would take me and raise me because he could care for me better."

Looking up at Quinn again Anastasia's eyes held a lot of emotion in them but no anger anymore. Things still hurt, they always would. Some of her own chooses had hurt, but its how she had learned.

"For the longest time I was angry and hated my mother for love me so much she didn't want me to suffer for her mistakes. Yeah some things on her part could of been different, like coming to see me even a little, but in the end I felt pretty crappy for being angry all this time for something that wasn't even true. Live and learn so they say. So I guess in a way I understand how you feel more than someone else might. Very different, but very much the same."

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