

Katie couldn't help the tears that sprang into her eyes. They didn't have their connection but the hurt seemed greater than even that. her heart was being shattered all over again and this time it was because Jason would be gone for good and she didn't understand why this was happening.

"I can't let you go, J. I love you... How am I to live without you?"

Burying her face into Jason's chest, she just let the quiet tears come. Tonight was the night Katie knew everything would change. She wasn't ready. She wanted more time. Tons of people still needed Jason in their lives. She still needed him and it just wasn't fair.

"We all need you still. I need you still. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't be the hero this time."

Keeping her face buried into Jason's chest and her arm wrapped around him, she pulls her legs up onto the little empty space on the couch and curls in next to him, staying close but not smothering him. Her sobs still seemed to come though she tried to keep them quiet, not wanting to upset Jason more. It was just hard to keep them inside.

Though eating at a different time than most of the others tonight, Stacy still was in the dining hall for dinner after she took a short shower and cleaned up. Sitting back and just watching, she takes everything in. It was different today - sitting and watching she was able to observe a little more than normal.

Watching the crying child as she roamed the room trying to find what she was looking for, Stacy gives a small smile. She remembered when Ashlee decided she wanted to do everything on her own. It seemed like just yesterday and now the days had just slipped away.

Continuing to watch as the young girl takes a spill and Eric is the first to scoop her up in his arms, it brings another smile. After seeing him in a rotten mood before the ride home, it had made Stacy feel slightly bad, but now seeing him with the child in his arms, there was a love, almost maybe a longing. Seeing how the family bonded and that the child was everyone's to protect, it settled in a good feeling.

The time passed and as everyone filtered out of the dining area, Stacy changed positions to the small table Jeff had set up where she could still see Dylan. Giving a smile to Jeff as he comes out with the food, she thought everything looked nice. Nicer than she had expected it to be.

"Mmm...everything looks so nice and smells good. I have to admit, before we got here, home-cooked meals or sitting down as a family was not something that came much. It's really been nice to do that again."

Placing her napkin on her lap and reaching for her glass, Stacy gives a giggle at Jeff's comment about the welcome party as she can feel her cheeks grow slightly warm. "Thank you for the meal and making me feel welcomed." She holds up her glass to Jeff's and gives a little clank, then takes a sip.

Walking down the sidewalk, Beth's stride was short and slow. It was a normal day at Brookshire visiting her sister, except today wasn't really normal. Feelings from what had happened the day before were lingering and Beth couldn't help but still doubt herself.

Stopping at the bench and finding it empty, Beth lets out a small quiver of a sigh. This was the first time in a long time that Justin wasn't waiting for her and it made her feel even worse. Part of her wondered...would she see him again or would life continue on just with one less friend? She had learned a lot from Justin. Now she just hoped this wasn't the end and she could continue to learn and grow.

Looking over her shoulder, Michaela gives a smile and shakes her head. Rocky had a funny side and she liked it. It wasn't overboard but it wasn't dull either. It was balanced nicely.

"I have a feeling...you're late for everything." She laughs again as humor dances in her eyes. It was nice to have someone different to talk to and have new conversations with. Rocky having such a sense of humor just made it even better.

"Hmm...I think I'll have the double chocolate chip frappachino. With whole milk, not soy. What's the point of getting something unhealthy if you're not going to go all the way, right?"

Just lying there for a long moment, Ryan doesn't move. Hearing what Tal said about the shower, she gives a little grunt before sitting up and just watching him for a long moment .She really had been comfortable lying on the floor last night with him. It had been more comfortable than she had originally thought.

"Right about now, a shower sounds good." Heading down the hall and into the bathroom, she finds a towel before getting in. Standing under the water for a little bit, the rest of her shower went fast before she was ready to get out. Getting dressed in her tank top that was under her hoodie, and her sweatpants, Ryan runs her fingers through her hair, leaving it down before heading out into the kitchen.

Standing in the doorway for a moment, she watches Tal before walking around to where he's standing. Coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist, she leans up and places a kiss on his cheek, then leans her head on his shoulder as he cooks. "Thank you, Tal, for letting me experience the puppies with you. That was something really amazing that I will never forget. The puppies are so cute, just like their owner."

As Kyle talks about how nice it would be to have a family here and all the memories for the future that could be made, Alice continued to watch him and her own eyes held that maybe she was picturing it herself. It was a nice thought that made her lie back again and just look up at the clouds. She hadn't thought about a family in a long while, but now thinking about it, it just made her smile again.

"It would be a cute house to live in. Sounds almost...perfect, really, like a dream or something from a book." Letting the silence come again, Alice was a bit surprised as Kyle mentions them getting married and the ring in his pocket. Sitting up on her elbows, she just looks at him for a long moment, searching his face to see if he was serious. Her heart raced. It almost felt as though it was going to beat out of her chest.

Finally, the shock wears off and a smile spreads over her lips as she continues to look up at Kyle. The shock had turned to excitement and she could feel how happy she was. "Kyle Mitts, if you're asking me to marry you, my answer is...yes. Yes, Kyle, I will."

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