

Stacy's initial response makes Jeff bite his lower lip. He hadn't even thought before speaking, and he hadn't intended, at all, for his offer to be inappropriate. The thought hadn't even crossed his mind, so now realizing the implication of his suggestion gives him a turn at being slightly embarrassed. And she was right about Dylan, too. He smirks a little - but not at her. What had he been thinking?

Opening his mouth to apologize, he stops, a little surprised at the suggested compromise. A grin pulls on his lips as he looks over at her. "Looks like I've had my fair share of sticking my foot in my mouth already today... you might regret having dinner."

He chuckles and shakes his head. Looking over at her as she drives, he studies her for a moment, prepared to just tell her to forget the whole thing, make another joke and move on. But... was that a genuine smile? Was that real interest in her eye? For the first time today, Jeff wonders if maybe his flippant offer was more than that to her. She was the newcomer, after all, and though the ranch families were welcoming and friendly, the adjustment was probably still a bit hard. Maybe Stacy really did want some one-on-one company.

"Okay. Lasagna it is. And if it tastes bad, we'll blame the microwaveable box, not me."

The rest of the trip back to the ranch was rather uneventful. Conversation was light, and Jeff couldn't help a few wisecraks as they drove. Inside though, he did wonder if the trip was as nice in the other vehicle. And the closer they got to the ranch, the more Jeff knew he should apologize to Eric.

...Once everyone is back at the ranch, Jeff says he will see Stacy later - after the others were gone from the dining room at supper, if not before. Eric disappears and Sparky and Dylan unload the grain before getting the new tack into the barn...

Mick watches from a distance as he grooms Remington in the far barn aisle. Dylan was talking with Sparky... helping with the work... putting his new saddle in the tack room. He seemed... calm. If the young man would have cracked a smile, Mick would have thought he was... having fun. Leaning on Remington's back, Mick studies the scene. What did Sparky have that he didn't? Why did Dylan take to him and not his own father? Mick was trying so hard... but it was Sparky that Dylan accepted. Mick knew it wasn't right for him to be jealous - after all, Dylan didn't have a bad history with Sparky. But still... it wasn't easy to just stand back and watch.

...Dinner time at the ranch was much like usual. The only thing different that someone might notice was that Dylan had again joined his sister and Dan, along with Wendy and Clint. Though still barely showing signs of smiling, let alone laughing along with the rest of them, the look in is eye proved that perhaps he really was having a good time today, even if he wouldn't let it show.

Not everybody ate with the gang, but that wasn't anything too abnormal. A few people wondered where Jeff was, but no one thought a whole lot about it. Mick, Rosetta and BJ were eating at their own house tonight too, so the absence of one or two was never anything to be overly concerned about.

During supper, wails come from the far table as a green bean goes flying into the air. Though reprimanded, Kaylee continues to show her displeasure by refusing anything more to eat, continuing her toddler tirade with a few kicks to the table and a few loud "No!"s.

Becky sighs as she tries to figure out what the little girl wanted, but it wasn't easy. Jim tries too, but Kaylee didn't want him either. Let down from her highchair, she just continued to fuss, babbling words that no one understood. Jim looks to his wife with a quirked eyebrow. "Any ideas?"

"None." Beck shakes her head while trying to clean off Kaylee's face from supper. "She was perfectly content up until today. Nothing seems to please her."


"Maybe. I think she's got a couple left to come in."

Kaylee finally squirms enough that she's suddenly free of her aunt's arms to head towards the kitchen. Becky stands, tired of the day-long fight, but doing her best to not lose her cool. "Kaylee," she chides. "Where do you think you're going?"

Kaylee stops and looks around the room, her big eyes roaming all of the faces. She gives some sound of displeasure before changing her route to the back door and taking off at a short-legged sprint, her pigtails bouncing as she goes.

Knowing the little girl couldn't reach the doorknob, Becky doesn't run, but sighs again and wipes applesauce off her hands, giving Kaylee time to figure out she couldn't go anywhere.

Almost to the door, Kaylee trips and goes sprawling face-first onto the hard floor. Already in a sour mood, tonight isn't a night to bounce right up and keep going. Tonight is a night to let the crocodile tears burst forth to accompany the shriek of pain and fear. Lying on the floor and screaming, "Owie!" she cries hard enough that she can't get back up.

Thankfully, she wasn't far from watchful eyes, and it was Eric who was closest to her. He'd chosen a table away from the others, joining Trent for a quiet supper without conversation. Not in the best of moods, he hadn't really wanted to socialize much, and dealing with kids never had been his thing. Now though, it was pure instinct that brought him to his feet, the rest of his half-eaten meal forgotten. It only takes two strides to reach Kaylee, and without thinking, he scoops her up in his arms. "Shhh," he croons. "You're okay. You're not hurt."

At first, his comfort does nothing but bring louder wails. Her tears stream down her cheeks as she fights his arms, wanting independence, but feeling scared from her fall at the same time. Realizing she wasn't going to be put down though, she suddenly buries her face against Eric's neck, her little fists clenching his shirt. "Dada!" she sobs, her words muffled.

Realizing just what it was that had been bothering the little girl, Eric tightens his arms, holding her even closer, while rocking her back and forth. "Shh..." He rubs her back gently, trying to calm her down. "Daddy will come... he will... you're okay."

Approaching slowly, Becky's face now wears some sadness. Everyone missed Wes, but this little girl must miss him the most. No wonder she'd been a holy terror all day. Joining Eric, she gives him a look of apology. "I should probably take her back to the house and see if she'll sleep."

Eric nods and tries to hand Kaylee over, but it's nearly impossible. Kaylee refuses to lift her face or let go of his shirt, screaming even louder as Becky tries to take her. Eric looks at Becky a bit wide-eyed. "Apparently she doesn't want to leave."

Becky throws up her arms. "I don't know what she does want."

Giving up and resuming the slight rocking and rubbing Kaylee's back, Eric doesn't realize that most everyone had suddenly stopped to see what on earth was going on. Just as suddenly though, Kaylee's wailing ceases. Though still crying softly as she hid her face, she'd grown limp, exhausted from her outburst.

Becky's eyebrows rise. "Or maybe I do know what she wants."

"Me?" Eric's surprise was evident. He'd figure he'd be the least likely candidate for any kid to latch themselves onto. "She must really be out of it." He smirks and goes back to the table with Becky. But just as he tries once more to pass off Kaylee, the screaming starts again, and again, Eric is left with the sobbing bundle in his arms. Looking at Becky's helpless expression, he shrugs in surrender. "I guess I give up. I'll try to get her to calm down first before we try this again." Perhaps feeling more sorry for Kaylee than he'd ever admit, Eric heads to the living room where he sinks down onto the couch. It would take a while, but eventually, Kaylee would fall asleep long enough for him to take her to Jim and Becky's where they could put her to bed for the night.

In the meantime, the rest of the ranch carried on, and soon, the main dinner was over. Most of the gang filtered out, but Dylan, along with a few others, stuck around for a card game that would last who knows how long. Perhaps no one would ever find out why Dylan just happened to stay on this particular night. Though remaining quiet compared to the rest of the bunch, he took up a seat next to Ashley, finding her presence fun in a way.

But back on the opposite end of the room, one of the small tables was pulled away from the others and donned with a tablecloth that had a pattern resembling a giant red bandanna. Two place settings were prepared- everything set "just so" but not so much that one would be afraid to move anything. As promised, a small pan of lasagna was served, along with some garlic bread that Jeff would never own up to making himself.

After serving and a quick prayer for the meal, Jeff leans back in his chair, offering Stacy a bit of a sheepish grin as he toasts her with his glass of water. "To the bodyguard... who never got a welcoming party."

With Beth deciding to leave, Justin wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He didn't like letting her walk away without resolving this first, but he really would rather be alone right now.

"Yeah... okay." Once the door is closed, Justin sets his ice cream aside, not wanting to finish it. Staring at the television, he ends up shutting it off, unable to get his mind to concentrate on the movie anymore. And though he went to bed early, it would be a good long while until he fell asleep.

The next day at Brookshire would be the first time in a very long time that he didn't cross paths with Beth while there.

Slipping into the coffee shop and quietly approaching Michaela from behind, Rocky leans his head close to her shoulder. "Boo."

Straightening, he grins. "Would you believe I got all the way up to the checkout and realized I'd forgotten something and had to walk clear to the back of the store again?" He shrugs. "That's the best reason I can come up with for being later than you."

Sidling around her and walking backward a few steps, he gestures for her to follow him to a booth by the window where he sits. "So, Michaela White... what'll it be for you in a place like this?"

Tal could probably just lie here all day if Ryan wanted to, but that obviously wasn't an option. Once Ryan sits up, he looks up at her and laughs. "I'll take the pancakes, but I don't think I want any mean ones."

Finally getting himself to sit up, stretch then stand, he helps Ryan up too. Reaching out to tuck some hair behind her ear, he smiles. "Thanks... for...well, just being you." Leaning in, he gives her a gentle kiss on the lips before moving around her to the cupboards. "Looks like I got some pancake mix here... and I should have anything else in the fridge, so help yourself. Oh, but don't use the front left burner on the stove - it doesn't work."

He stops and glances over his shoulder. "Feel free to take a shower or anything too if you want - I don't mind. Bathroom is down the hall."

Kyle grins and kisses Alice's fingers as they pass by his lips. Her thanks isn't needed, but the look in his eyes reveals that he has thoroughly enjoyed letting her in on his life, and has just as much enjoyed the fact that she's liked it.

Rolling over so he's half on top of her, propped up on his elbows, he leans down and presses his lips to hers, giving her a slow, passionate kiss. As a cool breeze blows, he knows this is surely a small taste of heaven.

Pulling away, his eyes twinkle in the sunlight, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. Moving back onto his side, he leans on an elbow, resting his head in his palm. "Yeah, this really is the perfect house. Wouldn't it be cool to live here? I mean, that sun room would be awesome for inspiration... you for your articles... me for my songs. And that spare room off the kitchen - that would make a great office, wouldn't it? The basement... can you imagine that as where the band could practice? Mmm, and the backyard... moonlight walks... backyard parties or even Bible studies... imagine having a small group out here or something. Family picnics... lying out here with you and watching the clouds just like this... all in between band travel."

He shrugs, letting his eyes wander the property. "Of course, we'd have to get married first. I mean, it would only be right." His lips curl into a smile full of mischief. "Say yes and I'll give you the ring that's in my pocket."

Looking up from the table as Katie enters the house, all three pairs of eyes see her. Derek and Liz exchange a glance, both knowing this was Katie, but unsure if they needed introductions or not. Cindy is about to do the honors but doesn't get much of a chance as Katie leaves to go into the living room. At least the offer to make supper wouldn't go unnoticed. "Thank you," Cindy calls after her. Looking back a bit awkwardly to Derek and Liz, she gestures to the living room. "That was Katie."

Derek nods. "I'm sure this is pretty rough on her, but she looks better than the last time I saw her."

In the living room, Jason feels the couch move again and he tries to climb from the depths of his lethargic sleep. Hearing Katie's voice, he tries even harder, but he can't help but relax as her fingers comb through his hair.

Feeling her hand in his, he manages to give her fingers a squeeze. "Yeah," he mumbles weakly. "Popular. Want my autograph?" Though his eyes remain closed, his lips quirk a little grin.

"Mm... tell them... Dalton and Sapphire... Um..." Almost drifting off again, his train of thought is momentarily lost. "They can come, but..."

His statement remains unfinished. Perhaps it was best he didn't say it anyway. Not now. But he could feel that by morning, he would not awake. He wouldn't tell them... he wouldn't fight it. The atmosphere was different this evening, and he knew it. It didn't have anything to do with his mother's worry or the presence of his father and sister. It was a feeling that had settled over the room, foretelling of a shorter end than anyone wanted, but would be easier for him to endure.

Katie's kiss to his lips brings him back once again, and he gradually returns the affection, finding the strength to slip his hand behind her head and run his fingers through her hair. And when the moment is finally broken, he forces open his eyes, looking up into hers where he sees the tears. "Aw, Katie..." His voice was but a whisper now. His thumb brushes aside the tears. "Don't cry. It'll be okay."

Swallowing hard, he fights to remain. "I love you. But... you gotta let me go."

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