
As long as you need

As Hunter kiss Katie's hand her heart breaks a little more. She new this was not Hunter's fault it was her own, and now the pain she felt was her own. Worse than that though was the pain she could see on Hunter's face.

   "You are not stupid. We all fall sometimes, but we just have to pick yourself back up and keep going."

Katie new her next words were going to be some of the dumbest she had ever asked anyone. But she had to say them anyways. This was her fault and she new it. In all reality she had been the one who was dumb. Katie put her arm around Hunter as he rested his head on her shoulder. Tears continued to roll down her own cheeks.

    "Everything is going to be ok. I'll sit here with you as long as you need me too, because I do care about you."

Sitting outside on the bench is where Adison stayed. Only to get up and pace or use the restroom. She'd be here when Kirk came out. As the minutes ticked Adison didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing but her nerves grew. 

As the doors opened she stood and waited for Kirk to come out. Her heart pounded in her chest she feared it might just beat right out. Seeing Kirk she gave him a once over. He looked tired, and she couldn't tell by the look on his face if he was happy, or upset.

   "Well...good news?"

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