
Big Brother

Looking to Mick and than giving a big smile BJ liked the way it sounded to have a big brother. Continuing to watch home for a long moment BJ gives a little sigh not one of distraught, but more of a contentment.

Hopping out of his chair but keeping the checker bored on the table for a moment though BJ takes a few steps twords Dylan. Reaching his little arms up he wraps them around Dylan's wast and gives him a big tight hug.

"I love you Big Brother!"

Pulling away and giving a smile the space in the front where one tooth was missing shown. Turning to the table and garbing the game and moves away and gives back to Mick's side setting it down and hopping in the chair next to him. Starting to set the game up BJ would wait patiently until Mick was ready.

Giving a nod even though Gunner could see her she did it anyways. Feeling that lump in her throat she pushed herself on to talk to Gunner. Nothing would be the same till he was back, but at least this was a tiny bit of light in the darkness.

"For you I'd do anything. You hang in there too, and give those guards a good run for there money."

Bree new her mood wouldn't change much till she was in Gunner's arms again or at least not living in fear, and being able to see him again but she would try for him to do the best she could. Each day that passed she just had to remember it was a day closer to the end of this whole crappy thing. In a few months they would be back to there normal life, and this would be far in the past.

"Tonight, look at the starts with me ok?"

Looking up into her fathers eyes as he drew away Thirteen kept her arms around him, but seeing the small tear she removed one had. Bringing it up to the side if his face she brushed it away with her finger. Giving a small nod she confirmed she did have a lot of questions.

"When your ready though. I don't want to push you to hard. We have the rest of our life now."

Thirteen gave a smile to her Dad once again. She hopped he would stick around now, and stay in contact with her. Even if she did live far away they could stay in touch on the phone and through the mail.

"Can you promise me we will stay in touch now though? This is really important to me, and even if you don't think you deserve it I know you want to get to know me too."

Dan can't help but laugh just hearing a little about Jade's Aunt he new she was going to be in for a treat. Being pulled once again twords the front door all Dan can do it laugh and shake his head his eyes sparkling very brightly. Almost out of the kitchen Dan gives a wave to Jill and Ben a little laugh in his voice.

"It was nice meeting both of you. If you need any help feel free to rescue me from Aunt Marcy. I think I am going to need it on this one."

Feeling the tug on his arm from Jade Dan dosnt resist anymore knowing she was way to excited to try and slow down. Oh how he loved her life.

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