

Struggling to stay alert, Jeff sees Katie approach and feels her hand in his. Forcing his eyes to stay open, he looks over at her, giving her a small smile. "Hey, Kiddo." His voice was quiet... weak. His hand gives hers a squeeze in return. "Yeah... the doc told me I was pretty lucky." 

His eyes fall shut for a moment before he opens them again. It felt as though he'd awoken from a deep sleep and was still stuck halfway in a dream. He remembered collapsing at the ranch then waking up in an ambulance where he'd given the medics a hard enough time that they'd sedated him. Then the last thing he knew was waking up here and being told he'd had a heart attack. 

"Guess you're still stuck with me," he muses. "This bed is horrible though..." He pauses to take a deep breath, still fighting the fog. "They gonna let me go sleep in my own one or what?"

"So apparently I was in marketing. I traveled a lot, tried to sell stocks in the business and get other businesses to sign on with the company I worked for." Jared sits in his hospital bed and sighs as Grace works on his legs. "I guess my mom's been in contact with them and explained what happened. Sounds like I had insurance, which should cover everything, but my job position had to be filled immediately. So I'm out of that job - not that I wanted it anyway. I don't have a clue about anything anymore anyway."

He winces as pain shoots down the back of his leg. "Yipes... digging a little deep there today, are we?" He quirks an annoyed eyebrow, but he didn't mean to snap at Grace - he knew it was good he was feeling pain - he was actually able to move all his toes now and just barely his ankles now too. 

"At any rate... I guess I'm gonna be released in a couple days. Mom said she'd take care of me but we're gonna have to figure out this whole therapy thing since I can't drive myself anywhere."

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