

Turning to see her brother Rosetta was slightly surprised not that Trent wanted to go but that he piped up and it with a strong will that he was going and driving. That was one thing Rosetta was thankful about with her family that no matter what they were always close by and always stuck together.

   "Alright Trent you drive. I'm to shook up to even attempt to drive right now."

Walking behind Trent and making sure Eric was close to Rosetta heads to the car and gets in. Once there were off the ride was very quiet. Rosetta didn't have much to say as she just continued to say silent prayers for her brother.  She new it was in God's hands but she just didn't want Jeff gone to soon.

Getting to the hospital and inside Rosetta started to become slightly agitated as they tried to get information on Jeff but were left with nothing. She'd rather know something than nothing at all at this point. Anything to go by, cling onto and give them hope.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Rosetta enters the waiting room. There was no point in pushing for info if they were going to just continue shooting her down. Looking at Katie Rosetta shakes her head a little bit before sitting down. She felt bad for her neice but would give her the space she probley needed. Right now she had her friend and that gave Rosetta the comfort that she would be ok.

Sitting in the waiting room Katie puts her head in her hands as a few tears roll out of her eyes. The day had started out so good and now...now it was just messed up again. Why hadn't Jeff taken it easy like she wanted him too. If only he had listened maybe this wouldn't of happened.

Feeling Hunter's arm around her Katie leans into him and just leans her head on his chest trying to soak up the comfort while she could. It was nice to have someone there with her that she could find comfort in.

   "Yeah, he's a fighter. Thick headed like the rest of us Pent's too."

Katie finally looks up at Hunter and study's hid eyes for a long moment. It had been nice he had come with her and after only just getting there too. He didn't hesitate at all or think twice about it. He was a really good friend and Katie was so thankful.

   "Thanks for coming with me Hunter. It means a lot." 


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