
Understanding eyes

After taking a couple pain killers, Jason wanders back into the living room, stepping over Trooper, who was stretched out lazily on the floor. He eases back down on the couch and just look at the floor for a moment as Katie apologizes. He really hadn't meant to snap at her... it had just... come out.

Finally looking back over to her, he musters up a partial smile. "I didn't want to make you feel bad. I'm just frustrated... at the situation, not you." He reaches out and brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. "I'm just tired of worrying about every step we take... it's like we've had to stop living in order to survive, but what's the point?"

Sighing, he slips his arm around her and pulls her close to plant a kiss on the top of her head. "We'll try going back to normal... and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But that's the only way to find out."

Hearing the door open, Eli looks up quickly, a mixture of relief and question on his face. He was glad she was home, but what did that mean about Alec? "Hey, Sis."

Tal's eyes meet hers for a moment, and a soft kind of smile comes to his lips, born from the knowledge that this had not been an easy time for her. He gives her a little wave of hello.

Eli welcomes his sister's presence on the couch, but his shoulders sink just a little bit, hearing that Alec hated her. What was wrong with that guy? How had he fooled everyone so well? What had happened to the man that had seemed to be so in love with Ryan? It just didn't make sense, and Eli could feel his anger bubbling again, though he wouldn't let it spill over - his sister didn't need him to be mad right now too. Instead, he gives her shoulder a little squeeze. "I'm sorry..." What else could he say? Part of him was glad Alec would live, and part of him was just as mad that he'd survived.

Watching Ryan get up and go to the kitchen, he sighs and focuses on the television. This whole thing was just screwed up, plain and simple.

Tal fiddles with his beer bottle a little awkwardly before he stands up. "I, um... I should probably go."

Eli looks up at him and shakes his head. "You don't have to."

"Naw, it's alright. I got stuff I gotta get done at home anyway." Tal knew that probably his company was a little much right now, and he didn't mind leaving Eli and Ryan alone. Taking his bottle to the kitchen, he slips by Ryan to set it by the sink. Turning to leave, he catches her eye again. Opening his mouth to say something, it then seemed that anything he said would come out wrong in this situation, so instead, he bites his lower lip. His eyes said it all. He was sorry that she was hurt, he knew the story, and he understood why her own eyes held anger and pain. Tucking his hands halfway in his jeans pockets, he heads for the doorway again.

Reese nods thoughtfully as Stacy talks, his face remaining fairly expressionless. Once she's finished, he cocks his head, just studying her for several long moments. One might think he was debating on how to tell her he was going to turn her down. But that wasn't the case.

"I think you're a good match for the job," he states with confidence. "I know the ranch will welcome both you and your daughter into their circle, and I think you're more than qualified for the security."

Fishing for some papers, he finally finds what he's looking for and hands them to her. "I'll need you to fill these out for the formal transfer from the police to the Elite. Within the Elite ranking system, you will start as an officer and you may move up in the ranks as we see fit, as time progresses."

He thinks for a moment, in case he'd forgotten anything. "The Elite will fund your move and provide any necessary transportation. The only negative point right now is that it needs to happen fairly soon, for the safety of Dylan Henson, or anyone else at the ranch. How soon do you think you and your daughter can be ready to move?"

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