
Drop me off

A faint smile tugs the corner of Axel's mouth. He was grateful for women like Ryan and Jess who didn't shy away from his history. They looked at him as he was today, not someone he might have been. "Thanks."

Rubbing his hands over his face, he groans, considering Ryan's suggestion. "There's nothing to retrace from that night. I was with a couple guys and a girl - the victim. I called it early and went home. Fell asleep and the next morning I was being arrested. There is nothing more to it than that. The guys claimed I rejoined them and then caught me in the act. DNA proved their story and it was over. I had no defense then and I have no defense now."

Looking at Ryan, he was so desperate, yet so resigned to the fact that nothing would ever change. "When this came up a while back here... I thought I'd go prove my innocence. But I realized there's no way to do it. Why was my DNA found? What other explanation is there? I'll forever be guilty." That thought alone made Axel sick. "And my brother will forever believe it." He shakes his head. "I just need to forget about it and move on."

Quinn sighs, but a wry grin was on his lips. Maybe whatever was wrong with the car would only take a couple hours to fix and he could be on his way again. Another piece to the puzzle? He'd like to think not, even if his gut said otherwise. He wasn't being kept here for a reason, was he?

"Alright... let's call the shop and they can tow my car. We can go eat, then go to the shop - if you don't mind. And then... well, I guess that depends on what the mechanics say. But I'm sure you can just drop me off and then I'll be able to leave from there."

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