
Let's go

"Yeah, well in a situation like that, it's awfully hard to plant the evidence," Axel retorts under his breath. It wasn't like it was a glass he'd used that was presented as the evidence. They'd checked out the girl - planting just wasn't possible in Axel's mind.

He listens to Ryan though, maybe deep down grateful for her insistence. Jess had encouraged him, Carson had encouraged him... but maybe sometimes it took a little extra boost from someone else.

"I know I got friends like you that will stand by me..." He shakes his head. "But what if I find out the truth of the matter is that it really was me? Then what? I don't know if I could live with myself."

Looking down, the emotions surge through his eyes and he grits his teeth. This really was a nightmare.

"Besides, why go to the bother of all that just to prove something to someone who turned their back on me? If my brother doesn't believe me and take my word for it now, what's the point of proof? I wouldn't want that kind of trust back from him. It's not real."

Axel knew that he was just using excuses. The fact of the matter remained that he was scared. Period. He was scared of finding evidence or remembering something that would only prove it really had been him. He knew friends like Ryan didn't believe he was capable of such an act, but what if he hadn't been in his right mind?

His eyes drift back up to Ryan, searching her stubborn gaze. "I just... I just don't know, Ryan. I don't know if I can do this."


Leo's head pops up from the open hood of the car, glancing over to the office where Darrel was hollering at him. "Yeah?"

"Tow job. You're up."

Leo looks around and sighs. He was almost done, but everyone else was busier. "Yeah, ok." Wiping his hands and setting down his wrench, he goes to grab the truck keys and waves to the other guys. "Don't have too much fun while I'm gone."

"You kidding?" Jed teases back. "We never have fun around here."

"Right." Leo laughs and heads to the office to get the location and then goes for the tow truck.

Quinn smiles and shakes his head, but words don't come yet. Instead, he returns Anastasia's gaze. She was so full of life... so full of peace... a warm light. "I guess I don't care either," he finally responds.

Seeing a stray strand of hair blowing across her face, his hand reaches up to brush it aside and tuck it behind her ear. "But I guess we've got fifteen minutes to figure it out."

Sighing a little he turns and wanders to the curb to sit down and wait outside for the tow truck. While they wait, it's decided they'll go to a little diner of Anastasia's recommendation, but before too much smalltalk can happen, the truck arrives.

Leo parks near the other cars, unsure which one it is, but seeing the man and woman standing up from the curb, he knows that these are the ones who needed the help.

"Hey... got car trouble?"

Quinn nods and thumbs to his car. "Won't start. Was running fine and..."

Leo grins. "Kaplooey?"

Quinn chuckles. "Yeah."

"Alright, well, lets get 'er hooked up, I'll take down your info and we'll get started. Need a lift to the shop?"

"No. Gonna run and get some lunch and I got a ride after that."

"Sounds good." Leo sets to work and before long, the car is hooked up and ready to go. "Okay, just sign here, give me a phone number and... we'll be set to go."

Quinn nods and takes the clipboard from him, printing and signing his name and jotting down his cell number. "That should do it. All you need?"

"Yep." Leo takes the paperwork and scans it for a moment, grinning. "Hey, I work with a Thornton. Couple hours alright?"

Quinn quirks an eyebrow, ignoring the question. "Another Thornton, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Leo nods, jotting down a note or two. "On of our mechanics. Axel. Relative of yours?"

Quinn immediately bristles, his fingers tightening into his palm. "Couple hours would be fine. I'll be there."

Leo looks up, wondering if he'd just said something wrong. "Yeah, sure, okay. I'll make sure we look at it right away so you can get back on the road as soon as possible."

"Great. Thanks." Quinn tucks his hands in his pockets and watches as his car is towed away. Staring after it, he shakes his head slowly. "Axel. A mechanic. Now that's funny." A scoffing laugh surfaces for the irony of someone named Axel working on cars. What was more ironic though was the fact that Axel happened to work at this auto shop. He knew Anastasia hadn't known though - she wasn't like that. He did wonder though what would happen now. He had no intention of seeing his brother again. Maybe he'd be lucky and Axel wouldn't be working today.

Taking a deep breath, he spins around to look at Anastasia again. He forces a smile, completely skirting around the whole Axel issue. "I'm ready to eat... let's go."

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