
To important.

Hearing Quinn's words and feeling his hand in her own Anastasia's heart started to race. The quiet little pain hitting her heart as she tried to swallow the thump that was in her throat. She new even if they promised to see each other again, after today when Quinn drove off into the sunset and she was not with him it would be the end.

Just letting her eyes continue to search his own she reads all his emotions, and all the worlds left unsaid yet still listing to works that were spoken. Clearing her throat Anastasia could feel a single tear roll down her cheek. Saying goodbye was never easy, and today it seemed even harder with this someone she hardly new.

"I'll always remember this tail, and princes do exists."

Not really wanting to leave the restraint or let the drive back to the auto shop happen Anastasia new she could not stop it, and the time had come. Exiting the restraint, and getting into the care a quiet hush seemed to fall over them, speaking without saying words, letting each other know how they felt.

Feeling Quinn's hand slip into her again on the way back Anastasia's own fingers curled around his. Holding on just a little be longer. But the drive is all to short, and soon they are at the auto shop. Pulling in and cutting the engine for the moment she shifts a little to see Quinn better.

As Quinn's hand went to her face Anastasia leaned her head into it feeling the warmth, taking it in, remembering it. A few tears escaped her eyes that she had been trying to hold back. But even for the strongest person, sooner or later there was a breaking point.

Continuing to look back at Quinn she didn't want him to go, she wanted him to stay. This feeling....she didn't want it to end. But it had to...and something told her after this nothing would feel the same again. This was special, she was something not everyone got to experience.

Bringing her own hand to Quinn's face her fingers run over his skin. He had to say good bye, she had to let him go. Leaning in to him she presses her lips to his letting her emotions out. Her good bye coming without words for a moment. Pulling away and leaning her forehead against his own she whispers.

"Do you really have to go? This doesn't have to be goodbye you know. It can be your home too."

Once lunch was over and there time was up Ryan really didn't feel like going back to work. This time with Alec had been nice, and the weather seemed just as good. This was the perfect day to be outside.

Going for her helmet only to have Alec set them down on the bike again Ryan looked to him with question but there was no time for words she he picked her up in his arms. Letting her arms slip around his neck Ryan gave a little laugh as a smile spreads across her face, her eyes still dancing with the fire they held.

Getting to the shaded tree and being pulled down on top of Alec Ryan braces herself with her arms one on each side of him. Looking down into his eyes, she grins as she can feel her own pulse race. It always did when she was with Alec, like every moment was new, and nothing had been done before.

Being pulled to him her pulse quickens even more as and she lets her own passion break free, gentile at first, only to grow and become more passionate as it continues. Slipping her one arm under him, and keeping herself braced with her other she leans on her elbow closing the gap between them.

As Alec pulls away and Ryan feels the bump to her bottom she grins and squints a little at Alec. Now answering him right away she leans close bringing her lips to his to brush over them slightly before retreating her own voice a whisper, still close enough that her breath brushed over his skin.

"Mmm...convincing huh?"

Moving sideways a little Ryan kiss Alec's cheek and than moves down to his neck giving it a few light kiss, and than a gentile nibble. Her words coming out between the kiss.

"Convincing...I think...is something...I can handle."

Making her way up his neck again she stopping at his ear to nibble it a little as well Ryan moves away a little to look Alec in the eye her own glinting with humor. Coming to his lips again Ryan presses her lips to his, letting the kiss be quite deep this time only to pull away again for a moment to turn her head the other way and continue the kiss.

Hearing Kyle's comment about finding a way to never let Alice go, the smile on her face seems to grow a little more as a warmth ran through her veins. It was a quiet secret, and something that didn't need attachen brought to. So leaning back with Kyle she makes no comment on it other than to give his hand a little squeeze.

Karla felt bad that kind seemed to feel so bad about messing up. She wouldn't have been able to tell without him saying something but she really didn't know there songs all that well yet either. In time she would but for now, she still though Kip had done great.

"Maybe if when your int here you close your eyes and just think your somewhere else it might help. I couldn't imagine being in there myself under that kind of pressure of doing well. But if you lose yourself like your else were it could help."

Giving an encouraging smile Karla did what she could to try and keep Kip's spirits up. She new he was trying and it wasn't his fault he seemed to freeze in there, it was just something that happened. Lots of people were like that in crowds and under pressure.

Taking Kip's hand as he helped her up Karla gave another smile just keeping his hand in hers. Things were moving slowly with both of them, but she didn't mind at all. They were taking there time and really there was no need to rush.

"Alright lets head back, I doubt they voted you out though. You really at to important to the band just like everyone else."

"So we let them try some more, and than we are done for the day. Tomorrow they can come back and finish. I know we are on a time frame and all but some things can't be rushed."

Sitting back in her own chair Jackie turns a little bit to look at the others. They all seemed to get along so well it really was amazing, she'd never seen a happier bunch.

Erik did seem to take charge on some things but he'd been with the people in the band longer so he new them better Kyle, she had seen him take action but in different ways. Maybe thats what made the band so special, they new how to share the lead. Looking back to Wayne and his Oreo Jackie just rolls her eyes.

"One of these days Wayne, one of these days. No thank you, I'd rather stay out of trouble."

Jackie gives a laugh as she kicks Wayne's foot for a moment knowing better than to eat in the room where they were. Looking down at the cookie again though Jackie can feel her own mouth wanted from the treat knowing she hadn't eaten in a while.

"Ok, maybe just one."

Taking the cookie from him and poping it quickly in her mouth as to now get crumbs everywhere she munches away.

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