
Unspoken for now

Once Dylan is gone Angel smile fades just a little turning almost to a sadden one for Mick. She really did feel bad more for him than what for herself with what Dylan took. Though Angel had caught a strange look in his eye it could have meant nothing at all so for now she would say nothing.

"As far as I saw this was all he took. Thank you Mick for getting it back to me."

Moving away from her desk and over to the medicine cabinet Angel puts the pills back in closing and locking the case once more before joining Mick at the door to lock it on her way out and head back to the dinning hall.

"If you need anything else let me know. I'll be with Wendy in the dinning hall. Thanks Mick."

Hearing the knock at the door a smile forms on Cassy's face. She already new who it was and she was happy he had come. It was nice eating with someone else, and not being alone all the time.

Going to the door her own hair was damp still from her own shower she took when she had gotten home. But now it was let down and hung around her shoulders. A light purple shirt as her top along with a pare of black jeans. Her bear feet scuffed on the floor slightly as she came to the door a soft vanilla fragrance followed her.

Smiling as she opened the door Cassy gave a small shake of her head that was followed by a little laugh.

"Well I'll be, I haven't seen you in a while."

Opening the door more and stepping inside so Leo could come in and not stand outside all night she smells the air as he goes by detecting his aftershave.

"You smell much better now."

Giving a laugh her eyes twinkle. Turning to head into the kitchen she figured Leo would follow her. Once entering the small of backed chicken filled the air, along with green beans and mashes potatoes.

"Ok, dinner should be ready in about a half hour so make yourself at home. I have some coffee brewing if you would like any."

Sitting with Kyle leaning against her Alice's arms drape over his shoulder and in front of him. She was so excited him and this opportunity for the band just listing in on everything they were going to be doing made her even that more excited for what was to come. Alice really couldn't wait to write about this next.

Hearing though that only the band could go Alice's heart sank just a little. She did understand why but still it was a bummer knowing that she couldn't be in on it all. But hear Kyle start to argue for her Alice couldn't help her heart thump a little bit louder. Seeing how stongly Kyle really felt about her coming defiantly made her feel good.

Hearing Eric finally say yes Alice can't help the little squeal that escaped her lips. Leaning into Kyle a little more Alice lips press aganst his cheek in a big kiss before she draws away a little bit to whisper in his ear.

"Thank you Kyle. I love you."

Sitting next to Kip Karla felt a little out of place but it was nice Kip wanted to include her anyways. It wasn't a surprise to her when Erik said she wouldn't be able to come. It was there dream, and she would just be tagging along like a groupie she didn't want to cause any trouble.

Hearing Kip try to defend her and get Erik to let her come anyways was nice. It made her feel good knowing someone really did want to have her along and keep his word to her, but she could hear in Erik's voice it was not an options and she didn't want to see anyone get in a fight.

"Kip...it's...Kip really....I...Kip..."

Not being able to get any words in as Kip and Erik go back and forth Karla is completely throw off guard when Kip mentions her as there manager. Looking to him quickly Karla had question written all over her face.

"Manager...me...I...don't know if I can..."

Her a manager of the band once they made it big. Did she really have the experience for something like that? Would she be able to do ok?

Karla could feel the color that was coming to her cheeks as she was put on the spot. All eyes on her waiting for her answer. She guess she could try and worse came to worse she could fail miserable and be back to square one. It did feel good knowing Kip had confidence in her though.

"Well I guess I can try. That is if everyone agrees on it. I'm not sure how well I can do, but I'll do my best and try to manage the band the best I can."

Looking to Kip again Karla's eyes give a sparkle. He really did just make her feel good. Her eyes meet his as she gives a small nod that said thanks without the words being spoken for now

I guess I'll need to look into some better cloths too. Something tells me I might need them, because there is no way they could not love you guys."

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