

When Dylan doesn't reply to Mick, he thumbs his son on the back. "Angel's talking to you, Dylan. Answer her."

Finally looking up, Dylan's eyes stare into Angel's. There was so much anger there, that it clouded over everything else. Except... somehow... there was the look of pain. Deep pain. "I'm fine," he hisses. "There's nothing wrong with me and I'm not hurt."

Mick thumps him again. "Now apologize."

Dylan remains silent, his eyes falling back to the floor.


He looks up, his cheeks flushed crimson, showing embarrassment that one would think only someone innocent or an unwilling party would show. "I apologize," he manages hoarsely.

"Now, wait outside." Mick jerks him towards the door. "I mean it." Once Dylan is waiting outside, Mick looks back to Angel. "I'm sorry. I think it's high time I did more with Dylan than just giving him his space. As long as you got back what he took, I'll leave you to it."

Leo follows Cassy out, contemplating her extended offer. Smiling a little, he doesn't give her an answer, but just chuckles a little and waves her off. "Yeah... I'll see ya." Heading for his car, it's only moments before he's gone.

Getting back to his own apartment, a hot shower felt good. Leaning against the shower walls, he just lets the water run over him and closes his eyes. His stomach growls. Cassy's offer comes back to him. Shaking his head, he continues his shower and winds up finished and dried, staring into his close. His hand runs over a few nicer shirts, but he passes them up for a plain black t-shirt. Next was a pair of faded jeans and his work boots instead of nicer shoes. He didn't want to give Cassy the wrong impression.

With hair still wet, he slaps on some aftershave and heads out again, this time winding up at Cassy's apartment. Sitting in the car for a few minutes, Leo seems to have a hard time actually getting out. What was his problem? It was supper. Just supper. He'd helped Cassy out a lot and she probably wanted some way to thank him since he always turned down payment. A meal was a natural offer. It was just supper.

Nodding to himself, he finally gets out and goes to the door, ringing the doorbell and waiting.

"Okay, what about our lineup?" Kyle looks across the rec room table at Erik. Even though he was slipping into the role of leadership, he still looked to Erik, who had started this whole adventure.

Erik leans back in his chair, his hands behind his head. "I think we need to keep it simple. Gary said they only want two songs."

"Just two?" Twila was surprised and shifts a little in her chair, surrounded by all the others. They'd all played a few videogames to unwind, then had gotten down to business to discuss tomorrow's tryout.

Erik nods. "Apparently we're lucky we got in at all with a booked-solid schedule. Gary said if we impress them with two, they'll have us play more, so that's the goal."

Kyle moves around to sit almost sideways in his chair, leaning back against Alice. "Alright... so what two songs do you think we should go with?"

"Well, we got a good sound that I think's fairly unique, so... maybe if we choose a familiar song with our own twist, then one of ours a little on the calmer side. We don't want them to think we're just another rockband out to blow people's eardrums out."

Kyle grins. "Not that we aren't capable."

Kip laughs and pretends to be playing his bass guitar. "Of course we are."

"So... we'll pick a popular song and sweeten it up and then... I don't know, how about Remind Me for the second one? I think we do a pretty good job."

Erik nods and looks around at the others. "Any opposed?" No one said they were, so he leans forward again, setting his hands on the table. "Alright, then we figure out song number one, and we're set." He pauses, pursing his lips and thinking for several moments. "There is one thing..."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"They're strict about who goes in and out. Gary said they wanted the band and just the band to avoid hassles."

Everybody sits back just a little bit, eying each other. There were only two people in the room who weren't technically part of the band.

"Well Alice comes with me," Kyle states flatly. "Where I go, she goes and thats-"

"But they have rules, Kyle," Erik argues. "This is a tight place and they might be a little stuffy, but we have to respect their wishes or risk them not hearing us at all."

"Then that's their choice." Kyle sets his jaw firmly, still leaned back against Alice. "She's our journalist."


Kyle shrugs. "In a manner of speaking." He looks over his shoulder at Alice, then back to Erik. "She writes up everything that happens and submits to What's Up? She's a necessity."

Erik sighs, smirking a little. "Alright. She's a part of the band... officially then."

Kyle grins. "Thank you."

"Uh..." Kip raises his hand. "Sorry but... Karla's coming too."

Erik looks over to him and Karla both, feeling a little uneasy in this position, especially in front of Karla. "Look, Kip, we-"

"She has to come," Kip states flatly. "I t old her she could."

"Well yes, but some things change."

Kip gives Karla a sidelong glance, then shrugs. "Our manager has to come with us. It's only natural."

Erik's eyebrows rise. "Excuse me? Manager?"

"Well someone's gotta do it after we get the deal, right? I mean, Karla's perfect. I've heard her on the phone with business calls for your mom and she does great - even more than your mom expects." Kip looks to Karla again. "How 'bout it?"

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