
Trouble Making

Nikki can't help but give another laugh again. Studying Pete for another long moment she cocks her head to one side, and than to the other mapping him with her eyes, and remembering how he looked so long ago compared to now.

"I think now seeing it, you look better without hair. I like it anyways."

Feeling the sudden awkwardness at the table it didn't come as to much of a shock to Nikki. In a sence she figured it would be coming sooner or later since it had been so long so she was prepared for it.

Hearing about Pete's moment though her brain seemed to stop even though Pete kept moving. Nikki had always liked Pete's mom. She was a kind lady who raised her boys right no matter how much trouble they were in. She also though for sure Nikki would marry one of her son one day.

"Oh Pete, I'm so sorry about your mom. I had no idea. It's defiantly a good reason to get into the law enforcement though. Your mom would be proud."

Knowing he probably wanted to move on from that part of the conversation Nikki didn't blame him. It was probably hard to talk about that she understood.

Continuing to listen to him though Nikki can see a look in Pete's eyes and she knows life has probably been less than good even though his words didn't match. Why would be bother with the lie she didn't know other than for the sake of her not knowing life has sucked for him. But everyone's life wasn't so great sometimes and Nikki understood that.

"You still have the jetski? Man, I remember the first time I rode that thing I was scared out of my mind and Lewis took it up some jump they had set up. I never screamed so loud in my life. Maybe now that I'm gonna be around we totally should hang out more again and just have some fun."

Having the conversation come back to her once again Nikki she thinks for a long moment. Her life hadn't been great, but it really hadn't been bad either.

"Life has been alright. Went to school for nursing, and thats when I moved. Tried to find my dad a few times and failed. But the last time I looked I had found him. He'd started a new family though had a wife, four kids, and I turned around and walked away not wanting to bother him. I don't know why but just...I saw him in the backyard with the kids and he looked so happy I guess I didn't want to rune what he had to satisfy myself."

There really wasn't any pain in her eyes as she talked about her father but maybe a little sadness that passed quickly.

"And...now I'm back here. There is no place like home thats for sure. I missed it here and you guys. How that trouble making brother of yours?"

Watching Justin closely as he shows her how to cast Beth trys to remember everything so she didn't look to silly when trying to do it for the first time. It didn't look to hard but maybe she would have a hard time with the placement of her fingers.

Finally as the pole is offered to her Beth takes it trying to best to hold it like Justin had. Not expecting him to help her or put his arms around her Beth gives a jump but recovers quickly trying not to make Justin feel bad.

"Like this?"

Letting him place her hands where they needed to be Beth didn't try to fight though it felt strange having someone close to her, and feeling his hands on hers. They were soft, but rough from work at the same time and they felt warm.

Once everything was ready Beth draws the pole back and than shoots it forward. Not making it very far though she gives a side long glance to Justin before starting to reel it in.

"Of course it wouldn't go that far for me."

Returning Eli's kiss Scarlet gives a nod to him before getting off the bike running her hand over Eli's back. He was wearing his jacket but she new he's still feel it.

"Sounds good to me."

Sliding off the car with Alec Ryan gives him a grin at the sigh he was trying to play up. She new he'd be fine. Taking hold of his shirt though Ryan pulls Alec twords her and places a deep kiss on his lips for a moment.

"I may leave in a cloud of dust, but I'll always return to you in the same manor."

Taking a few steps back and shaking her head she gives a small wave before getting into her car and giving it a small rev.

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