

Staying close to Carson Ryan follows his eyes move and keeps with with him. It wasn't hard and she was able to keep up. The sound of her heart beating in her chest though almost made her deaf though. So if anything was said she didn't hear. Her mind seemed so far away yet on the task at hand.

Getting to the door and standing back a little bit Ryan throws at Carson as he goes to know on the door. So many things seemed to run through her mind at once that it was hard to have it land on any one thing. But as the door to the room opens and Carson is grabbed Ryan gives a little jump her guard up making sure she wasn't the next.

Wanting to help Carson Ryan knows better as she see the gun pointed to his head. If she tried anything he could be shot and that was the last thing she wanted. As her eyes look up a little higher and they meet Alec's own she could feel her heart pounding even louder and the words that wanted to come just wouldn't her mouth had gone dry.

The look on his face, the light in his eyes, it was gone. Now all that stood there was the shell of a man she once new. But even that was fading into someone she didn't know. All Ryan can do is stand there and watch Alec and Carson interact. The words that seemed to come from his mouth made her skin almost feel on fire. Than to be followed up by the name he had called her all Ryan can do is blink.

No emotions seemed to follow, no tears, no anger or words slung back at Alec. Everything was gone, all emotion seemed to sease from exsistince. And the light, the determination that had been found in Ryan's eyes, that had drawn here was gone with another blink. What was left was just...an emptiness.

As Carson's hand is placed on Ryan's shoulder she looks up at him for a moment. Her dull eyes searching his for a moment. They had been wrong....but everything seemed to have fallen into place. Hearing his words Ryan new they did have to go, she'd promised but surprising enough she didn't want to stay like she thought she would have. Letting her gaze go back to Alec for a long moment she searches his darkened face. Finally turning though Ryan says nothing only following the path that they had come from.

Seeing that Rockin_gts was getting into the whole conversation and seemed to like the idea of doing a little group along with a few other Michaela gives a small not to herself and a smile. She liked seeing people get excited like this even if it was over the computer.

Thundercat5: I think if it works for everyone Wednesdays at around eight sounds good to me. Most of the stuff I have to get done is done by than. Not to mention it will but a nice break in the week as well.

Linda_Mill1986: What about if we miss a week?

Michaela thinks for a moment leaning back in her chair before starting to type again.

Thundercat5: Well we could always have someone take notes and than post them on the forums so that way if you miss a week you will still know what was talked about.

Just now noticing what Rockin_gts has said Michaela can't help but really laugh out loud. She they had a cat too and it would seem them they wanted attachen they would get it as well. She new how that went all to well.

Thundercat5: Ahh..your a cat lover too Rochin_gts? Your gonna fit in just fine.

Letting out a small sigh and just continuing to pet Domino Hope wasn't upset with having Domino stay with her. She liked the little dog and right now it was the only thing she had left of Scott. Gentily patting her head and itching behind her eats Hope looks to Wyatt again.

"No no its ok. I don't mind Domino at all and I think she needs someone she knows and feels close to right now. She'd probably missing Scott alot herself."

Looking down at Domino again Hope new she couldn't let this get her down to much or it could hinder her recovery. It was just hard to take it all in and try to handle it. She'd be ok though, and Domino would be too she would make sure of that.

"I've just got to keep staying positive and moving a head. God's in contol of everything and thats just something I need to remember. Please though keep me posted if anything changed with Scott. We arnt dating but I still care."

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