
What if

Michaela can't help the small smile that formed on her lips. Her mother had always warned her about what she put on the internet, but a picture and maybe a little information wasn't to bad right? An now it had seemed the Rockin liked it and a little conversation could be braught up.

Thundercat5: I'm here because I have no life lol. I've been to this web page many times and got to know the people who run it. So now they let me run the chat room. It's fun and a nice break from the day. Night time...thats the time I like to be awake the most.

Looking around the room for a moment Michaela couldn't help but think Rockin was pretty nice. He might be a nice addition to the little group of people that hung out online. They were always willing to have new people join.

Thundercat5: Ohh...a calico those are nice cats. Mine is a long hair siamese named Sassy. The name fits her well when she wants to be a brat. Do you only have the one?

Waiting in the car and trying her best to explain to Reese what was going on Ryan new she wasn't make much sence but she gone through a lot today and it was hard to try and explain everything thought she did her best.

Hanging up the phone with Reese as Carson comes back to the car Ryan just stairs at him and all the blood that was on him. It was alot but whos was it? Ryan couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach as Carson gives his explanation. Alec had been shot and he might not make it? With everything that had happened the last thing Ryan wanted was for Alec to die. It just wouldn't seem right.

As the car stars Ryan just wraps her arms around herself and she leans her head against the window of the car. What now? Life felt as if it would never be the same again. Everything had happened so far...and she felt so cold. Home....she just wanted to get home. but the image of Alec and how he looked at the hotel seemed burned into her mind. Would it ever go away?Would Alec be ok? What would she do if he died? What would she do if he didn't?

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