
Over with

Keeping quiet in the car as they sat and waited Ryan keeps her own eyes open and on the hotel. Seeing the woman leaving and hearing that was the one Alec was with Ryan couldn't help but cringe and an anger seems to burn just a little. She looked like she was Agency.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Lets get this over with."

Zipping up her leather jacket half way Ryan slips into a stiffer roll though her stomach just seemed to churn and bubble. She just wanted this whole thing to be over with all ready it made her feel sick inside and she hated it.

Finally getting out of the car she throws her keys and anything else that might make sound into the car seat before shutting the door and standing waiting to Carson.

Giving a little nod and heading into the kitchen Hope grabs a glass and pours a little juice. Coming back into the living room and handing it to Wyatt Hope motions to the couch for him to sit if he liked.

Sitting down next to Domino Hope gives the small dog a pat on the head. She could tell her little first missed her master. After being with him for so long it was hard to be away now. But Hope could only hope she could bring a little comfort to the little dog.

"Has anyone from TJY talked to Scott recently? The only think I've herd is a break up letter from him. Other than that...I don't really know anything else."

Hope new the news of Scott breaking up with her might come as a shock but besides that latter she didn't know anything else about how he was or anything. She just wondered if anyone new anything else.

"I'm hoping to be back soon to work. I miss it."

Coming back to her computer Michaela looks over at her cat for a moment shaking her head. Sassy was like her best friend, but sometimes she could be a pain. Looking back at the computer and seeing the new comer that had joined Michaela gives a smile. It was always nice to see a new face pop in and it seemed that this one had a good mind of there own.

Thundercat5: Hey there Rockin_gts. Happy you joined us.

Scanning up for a moment at the other comments made Michaela's fingers just hover over the keys for a long moment before finally starting to type again.

Thundercat5: Yeah a little more one on one time is always nice. Not to mention at a bible study its a little more layed back. Its nice to be able to joke around with friends...and not have to worry about your kitty like Rockin_gts pointed out.

Michaela couldn't help but shake her head a little bit. She liked being able to talk with people online and even get to know new ones. Not to mention share her faith with others as well. She'd really been happy that she got a hold of the web page and asked about putting in a chat room.

Tannerslick: So Thundercat are you going to start doing devotions here and stuff like you talked the other day or are you going to keep it to open chat?

Thundercat5: I was thinking about having it open chat, but at least once a week at a cretin time having different topics we could go over, or maybe questions from church we had maybe we could just go over. Might be fun to see what everyone has to say. What do you guys thing?

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