

Carson nods to Ryan but doesn't respond verbally. There really was no reason to... there was nothing much more that could be said. The hours of driving had been near silent, but that was okay. Both had a goal, both had much on their minds, and neither minded the quiet. For Carson, it helped him remain focused and not distracted.

Back on the road again, the hours drag on. It was a little harder to get a location on Alec than Carson had thought it would be. It seemed now that people at hotels were being hit still, but no longer at the same hotels Alec and Yvette were staying at. That made it harder. But not impossible.

Another day passes. The sun sets and rises again. Minds are weary, but the goal is still in place...

"...look, I'm sorry, but-"

"Stop with the sorrys. You guys are there now and I just want you both back out of there alive." Reese sighs. "And I know there's no telling you to turn around either, so I might as well give you want you want so at least you'll know what you're getting into."

Carson gives Ryan a sidelong glance as they sit in the car. He had his cell on speakerphone so both were now aware that Ty had been caught and couldn't be their point man anymore. Thankfully, they were almost to their target anyway, and thankfully, Reese had the brains enough to help them rather than try to stop them. He hadn't been able to send anyone in to give Alec a chance, but he couldn't stop Carson and Ryan from doing it on their own. "Smart man. What do you have?"

"Well, according to where you just said you were, we believe Alec is about five miles north of you. Security camera caught him and Yvette in a hotel. We think they're gonna hit a different target while laying low at the hotel. I've already got two men in the area and they've already joined up with the police for a gameplan before Alec and Yvette take off again."

"Do we have time to get to him first?"

"I don't know - you better get whatever it is you want to do done with, and quick. I know they're not going to wait until tomorrow, if that's what you're asking."

Carson sighs. "Yeah. Thanks. Send me the hotel details and we'll go from there."

Ending the call, Carson waits a few minutes then checks his email from his phone, gaining the extra information they needed. And within twenty minutes, they were parked across the street behind the hotel where it was said that Alec was. And all they can do is wait for an opportune time. About an hour of waiting is all it takes, when Carson spies through his binoculars, a woman leaving the hotel. "There's Yvette. Alec's gotta be alone. Now's our chance." He looks back at Ryan. "We go in, get to Alec's room and get him out. If he wants out like we think, it shouldn't be hard, but I don't know how much time we have until Yvette gets back. You ready?"

Wyatt watches Hope and Domino for a moment, sure now that he made the right choice. It seemed strange now to think about Scott. He'd been gone for so long. One one hand, it seemed as though just yesterday he'd been at TJY. And on the other hand, it seemed as though he had been gone a lifetime.

About to decline something to drink, Wyatt stops. Hope didn't look like she was feeling very well... not physically, but emotionally. Just something in her eyes said that perhaps she was going through much more than simply recovering from her physical battle. Wyatt didn't know if she would rather be left alone or not, but he'd rather err on the side of trying to be a friend than walking away and leaving her alone.

"Sure... I got time for a glass of juice before I have to head back."

Domino sits on the couch and watches Hope, then watches where Wyatt puts her things. Hopping down to the floor, she trots over to her bed and waits until Wyatt puts her toys down too. Taking her favorite rubber, spiky ball, she goes back to the couch and jumps up to curl into one of the corners. Only she and Hope knew that that's where Scott used to sit when he'd come over.

Rocky leans back in his computer chair, his eyes roaming the screen. He'd gotten back from the lake, taken a shower and had been ready to go to bed when insomnia had hit. So instead of fighting it, he'd opted to get online and see if there was anything to keep his mind occupied. He'd visited a couple forums and said hi to a couple people, but nothing lasted more than a few minutes. It got one yawn out of him, but he knew he needed more than that before trying to sleep again.

Wandering around a particular Christian site, he sees the link to enter one of their chat rooms. He didn't normally interact that way, especially with people he didn't know but... it was a safe location, right? And who knew... maybe there was an interesting discussion going on. And even if it was boring, maybe it would put him to sleep. A win-win situation, right?

He clicks on the link and logs in. Sitting back for another moment or two, he remains silent, figuring out the discussion and who all was here. Bible studies, huh? He grins when Thundercat5 leaves to feed their cat. Cats were good. He glances over to the other chair where Puzzle was curled up sleeping like usual.

Thinking for a couple more minutes, he finally shrugs. Why not?

rockin_gts: I always feel empty on weeks I miss my Bible study. Yeah, I can read on my own, but there's something nice about sitting down with other Christians and studying together.

sara4christ: But like Linda_Mill1986 pointed out, you can get the fellowship at church on Sunday mornings.

Rocky thinks some more.

rockin_gts: Bible studies are different though. One-on-one where you can ask questions and discuss topics. Different perspectives... thoughts... opinions. Good stuff if your point is to dig into the Word.

He waits for a reply, then grins.

rockin_gts: And if you meet in your own home, you can even feed the cat without leaving the conversation. ;)

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