

"Um, ok... yeah... sure." Reese nods as his own smile surfaces. "I'm not going anywhere today so just... yeah... let me know."

Standing awkwardly for a moment, he glances at David once more then back to Angelica. "Have fun. Brown's looking for answers so the sooner we got something, the better."

David watches as Reese leaves the office before looking to Angelica again. "Nice guy," he muses. "For a chief I mean. Doesn't seem too hard-nosed, not even when it comes to dinner."

Quirking an eyebrow he cocks his head, looking her in the eye. There had been no kiss. No wink. Not even a flirty smile from Reese. So either Angelica was just as clueless as with him, or this thing between them wasn't all that serious. "Now I'm jealous," he teases. "Left all alone tonight, slaving away on files while you enjoy dinner with your boss. Tsk..." He feigns being distraught. "Woe is me!"

Alec tosses his tennis ball to the wall, letting it bounce back for him to catch it again. He'd seen Hal already this morning, but he'd only eaten part of his breakfast. It was just another day being stuck here and hardly worth getting excited over. He'd rather be tossed to the dogs than this, he'd decided. At  least the other way would be a quick death, where here, he was just rotting away behind cement walls where no one really cared. Oh, they said they did... Hal... Reese... Hope. But he didn't believe them.

Crash. The ball ricochets in the wrong direction, slamming into the nearby lamp and sending it to the floor. Alec cringes but doesn't get off his cot. He lacked motivation to retrieve the ball. Sighing, he leans back against the wall, then slips his hand to his back pocket to withdraw the single playing card. There wasn't much he could do with it, but it gave him a bit of pride. He hadn't lost his touch yet if he could still pull one over on his opponent.

"Hey, Misty, it's Axel." Pacing his kitchen, he holds his phone to his ear. "I got your message and... I'm ready whenever you are. Just say the word - my calendar is empty."

Once Karla is sitting up, Kip follows suit, bringing his legs together to sit cross-legged. "First off... don't be sorry. I'm not in trouble, and even if I was, it wouldn't be your fault. It's my own stupid fault Erik doesn't trust me."

He gives a little nod for emphasis, not wanting Karla to feel any worse than she already did. "And second, yes, I'll come with you. I can drive so we don't have to walk in the cold and... I won't leave you alone. It'll all be okay."

Sliding off the bed to stand, he stretches and scratches his head. "Let me go swipe another set of Twila's clothes just for today, alright? Then we can eat some breakfast then go. And then you're coming back here. I insist you stay here until things get settled, unless you got somewhere better or where you'd be more comfortable."

"Scott... you ever see Ryder?"

Scott tinkers under the table with all the wires and cords he'd originally hooked up for Mick. The dining room was almost empty as breakfast was over. He'd promised some play time with BJ though, so he was trying to get his work done. Trent had been sitting at a nearby table all morning, but now was the first time he'd spoken to Scott. "Um... once in a while he drops in. Reese uses him on occasion. He's got a job at the zoo now though so he's not in the office regularly. Why?"

"Oh... just curious." Trent fiddles with his paper and pen, staring out one of the windows. "How's that girl doing?"



"Fine, as far as I know. Smiling every time I see her, but I think that has to do with Ryder. She's working at Mom and Pop's now... so I think she's getting more exposure to the outside world."

"Good..." Trent nods slowly. "Good."

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