
Not hungry?

Grinning, David's eyes sparkle just a little, bantering with Angelica. But sometime he needed to buckle down and work. Straightening in his chair and retrieving some paperwork and a notepad, he nods. "Yep. Talked with him just this morning. He and Bree are quite safe. He's gonna see if Bree is up to an evaluation by a counselor today and if they can do it, he'll have the statement faxed directly to you."

Sifting through some papers, he bites the end of his pen - a habit he'd never broken. "Now as far as Gunner goes...  it's gonna take some fancy footwork to justify his moves no matter how righteous they were. What do you think of a temporary insanity plea?"

Alec was in his own little world, and Ryan's sudden presence makes him jump enough to make the cot jolt. His head snaps to the door, his eyes a little wide until he realizes who it was. Ryan. She really had come back. Interesting.

He's ready to hide the card, but there was no need. She'd figured it out just like he thought she would. And she obviously knew he'd taken it on purpose as well. There was no point in trying to hide it now.

Giving Ryan a once-over, he eyes her with a certain amount of suspicion, especially when she produces the food. Fingering the card he still held, he then tosses it onto the little table where she could retrieve it herself.

"Who says I took the card so you'd come back?" he challenges. "I don't need your company."

Still slouched and not making a move to sit up, his eyes follow her. Her question of whether he's hungry brings a quirk to his eyebrow. The smell of the Burger King food wafts to his nostrils. "No," he answers flatly.

His stomach growls loudly.

Not blinking, he holds his gaze. Though try as he might, he can't stop his cheeks from growing just a little warm.

"Oh... wow." Axel chuckles. "You really aren't like other doctors are you? I thought you'd say in like three weeks or something. But hey, I said I was ready and I meant it. I'll be over this afternoon."

Hearing the invitation, a smile spreads on his face. "Carson told me it was gonna be soon but we got interrupted. I wouldn't miss it and I'll be sure to see if Jess can come too. Thanks, Misty... I'll see you in a few hours."

Kip nods and offers Karla his hand. "Come on."

It didn't take long to show Karla to Twila's room where she could find some clothes that fit well enough to wear. Then once both of them were cleaned up and changed, Kip took her to the familiar little table in the kitchen, instead of the dining room.

Shirley was always kind, but finding out about Karla's situation brings forth a hug, some sincere words and an extra special breakfast.

Kip eats slowly, not as hungry as usual this morning, worried about Karla. Taking a bite of omelet, he reaches for the hot sauce and sprinkles a little on. "I'm gonna talk to Erik later, but I know they'll let you stay here," he assures. "The room down next to the one Twila beds down in is hardly ever used, so... yeah."

Cocking his head, he studies Karla as he chews thoughtfully. "We'll go when we're done here, but we won't stay all day... I don't wanna make you go through everything all at once."

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