

Hearing the noise Ryan stops and turns looking back at the room. Contemplating on turning around and going back. Every fiber wanted to go back, make sure he was ok, stay talk with him.

Letting out a heavy sigh though she reminds herself what would he learn if she came running back other than throw a fit get your way. No...she had to leave him for now. Maybe tomorrow she would be back.

Giving a nod to Trooper Ryan continues forward with the dog. Dropping him off at Jason's office she offers him the rest of the food in the bag. Losing her own appetite she didn't want the food to go to wast.

Finally heading out Ryan gets into her car and decides to head over to the shop. It was her day off today but maybe Leo was around so they could take his break together.

Leaning back in her chair Angelica thinks for a long moment. putting both hands behind her head for a long moment she looks over twords the wall just stairing and thinking. Trying to work words, actions, and pictures in the court room in her own head.

"Mmmmm...that could work. But what if Bree's parents have the claws into the judge already? If thats true than sympathy wouldn't work. It is worth a shot thought."

Thinking again for a long moment Angelica finally sits back up in her chair and than stands. Pacing the floor of her office she just walks back and forth back and forth something she always did when thinking hard. Stopping abruptly she looks to David.

"Do you think there is a way we could get a judge in that Bree's parents wouldn't even know about. Post our doubt, not state facts just we have a reason to believe that something isnt right. We can tell them that they dont even have to use US who the judge is but that we would like a new one. That really could give us the upper hand to make this whole thing fair."

Taking a small sip of her OJ Karla looks up at Kip. Seeing his one hand on the table she scooted her own hand over to it and slipped her fingers on top of his own. Just looking at there hands for a long moment Karla lets out a small breath before moving her hand.

"I know you mean good Kip and I am honored. I've just never had it so good ya know? And that dosnt have anything to do with anything but its...kind of intimidating."

Karla pokes at her eggs for a long moment. She new she would be safe here, and Kip was her friend. It was obvious that he cared. It felt different, she never had that before. It made her feel warm, and good inside.

"I'll stay as long as Erik's mom says its ok and if I can still work here to earn my keep...and...Thank you."

Karla looks down at her eggs again picking at the tomato. Her cheeks a soft red color.

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