
Spending Christmas

Kip offers the best smile he can and reaches over to take back Karla's hand. "I'm sorry if it's intimidating," he apologizes quietly. "But you can quit saying thank you... it's just... what we do here. I got helped out once and... I guess I wanna do the same. So... at least until you're back on your feet... this is home."

Giving her fingers a little squeeze, he retreats to finish his breakfast. It didn't take too long until plates were cleared off the table and Kip had grabbed his wallet and keys. He leads the way out to his car and waits for Karla, then slowly makes his way towards the burned apartment building.

Arriving, the black pile of rubble is still smoldering. There were other vehicles there, and a few other people were there sifting through what they could, looking for any pieces of belongings that might have survived.

Kip pulls up to the curb and just waits for several moments. "I'm right here," he assures. "Whenever you're ready."

David thinks, his eyes squinting a little as he processes Angelica's idea. "That might be good. Do we know who the judge is yet? I mean, I don't know if we could get anyone to changes judges just on what they might consider to be a whim. But... if we were to get a few cases tossed in this judge's direction, they might be glad to get rid of one or two."

He grins a little at the thought. "Thing is... I can think of the most honest judge ever and they're still not gonna want to let Gunner off the hook. Or even JT for that matter - we haven't even touched on him. Gunner might lie that he forced JT to help him, but I know JT won't lie. So we got two people we need to cover. And really the only thing I can think of is making the judge see how awful a place Crescentview is - or at least with one patient, so it warrants a break-in."

Sighing, David starts looking through his papers again. "It's gonna take a while. First step is proving Bree was hurt. Soon as you hear from that counselor we get the ball rolling. And I'll work into the night..." He focuses on data, though his teasing tone reappears. "...while you go out and have dinner."

"Hey, it's Ryan!" Jed grins from the other side of the garage as she comes in. "If you're lookin' for Leo, he's not here."

A grumble comes from under another car. It was Miles. "Called in again. Eli was in here fifteen minutes ago looking for him too."

"So... Mom wants me to spend Christmas Eve and Day with her and Ben." Jade couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes. Her legs dangle off the edge of the low stack of straw bales as she watches Dan work. "She wants to give me stuff for Dylan too for when he comes here so..." She shrugs. "I guess I should go. Since Dad's not gonna be around here anyway."

Sighing, she picks at a piece of straw. "I guess I was looking forward to spending Christmas here... But I don't want to leave Mom out. I just... I don't know. I guess I wanted to spend it with you, too."

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