

Dan gives a little laugh as he pulls Jade into his lap just letting her nuzzle into him. He loved having her close to him, felling her warmth just wash over him and full him to the brim with happiness.

Giving a small chuckle at her comment Dan keeps his head leaned into hers giving a small shake of his own with his arms still tightly wrapped around her.

"Ha, I think your confused and its the other way around. Your amazing Jade you deserve all the good things that come your way in life."

Tightening his arms one more time Dan gives Jade a hug and another kiss to the top of her head before letting her slide back down to the hay. He hated to let her go but he did have more work that needed to be done.

Going back over to his shovel Dan picks it up going back to work, but stopping and throwing a wink at Jade her grins.

"Just let me know what day your leaving. We can do our little thing before, and than I will even drive you to the airport if thats the way you gonna be going."

Just leaning into Kip for a long moment Karla holds the bandanna letting her tears fall slowly. She was morning the lose of someone dear even if he was just a dog. She had had Rin since he was a puppy and had been through everything with her. Whenever she needed someone he was always there. Even in this act he had saved her life giving his own

Swipping the tears from her eyes Karla sands up letting out a long sigh and still leaning into Kip a little bit. Taking the bandanna and pushing it into her pocket she looks around the area once again.

"Yeah we can go now. There is not much left. Everything I was looking for is gone."

Karla wraps her one free arm around Kip as they walk just soaking up the comfort he offered. She just needed that right now and was happy Kip was willing to offer it.

Letting out a sigh as she fiddled with the stuff on the workbench Ryan was about to reply to Miles when Darrel calls her. Looking up she found it off he called on the work phone and not her cell.

Rolling backwards just a little bit she picks up the phone on the wall. Covering the mouth peace and holding it down just a little ways she yells.

"I got it Darrel, thanks."

Waiting for help to hang up Ryan puts the phone up to her ear. Listing to her brother on the other end her facel expression changes and saddens just a little. She hated the feeling of disapointment and wonder if Leo was going to be there or not. Next time she saw him she was going to HAVE to ask. It was starting to bother her to much not to ask.

"Don't worry bro, if he stands us up you wont have to kill him. I will. I'll be leaving the shop soon than I will be home"

Hanging up the phone Ryan puts her head in her hands for a moment letting out another long sigh before standing up. Composing herself she looks around the shop and gives a small smile.

"I better get going so I can get ready for tonight. I'm actually going to put a dress on. Go figure. I'll see ya guys tomorrow."

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