

Looking up at her Uncle Bree gives a tiny nod. Today had been an ok day so far. She still didn't feel like being around anyone but she had spent most of her morning looking out the window and watching people move around, seeing some kids playing in the yard her heart yurned to be out there but she just....didn't have the ambition to do so.

"Ok yeah, I'll talk to her now."

She didnt know if talking to Hope would do any good or not with how she was feeling but if it would help her Uncle, Gunner and herself just a little than is was worth talking to her.

Walking into the auditorium arms linked with her brother Ryan felt so strange. It wasn't every day let alone at all she wore a dress, with a little makeup and her hair done up on top of her head. Looking around and finding the seats a wave of disappointment, confusion, and a strange pang to her heart comes over her.

"This has to be wrong Eli Leo wouldn't do that!"

Ryan scans the seats again but those two were the only ones together that were open at this point. Why would Leo do this? It was so strange and out of character even for him.

"Come on lets sit down anyways since we are here. Pops would be rolling over in his grave if he new about me in a dress let not wast it ok? Maybe Leo will still come."

Ryan tried to look hopeful and hide the tears that were behind her eyes. If Eli saw her cry he'd freak and Leo just might end up dead.

Entering the house with Kip once again Karla gives a little jump as Twila comes up to them. Scuffing her foot on the ground Karla does not ook up. Now that she new Twila new, that ment so did everyone else and it made her feel that much stranger.

Karla couldn't help a little bit of anger that came over her. Not at Twila but just everything and she didn't know how to express it. She didn't mind Kip's comfort but everyone else was making her feel awkward. She didnt want to go shopping, she didn't want people buying her stuff.

Turning to Kip Karla looks up at him she didnt mean for an anger and pain flicker in her eyes it was just all her emotions and stress coming out.

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