
No one ever said

Starring out the window for a long moment Karla just looks to where her apartment once stood. She'd herd Kip buy didn't reply. Even though her apartment hadnt been busy, and she often hated it herself it still had been home.

Finally figuring it was now or never Karla looked over to Kip giving a nod and getting out. Slowly making her way twords the pile of ash, broken wood and rubble Karla is stoped by a police officer but it let past when she told him who her and Kip were.

Letting out a deep sigh she starts to look. The time seemed to slip by but to Karla it couldn't go fast enough. It was hard seeing that all her stuff had gone up in smoke. Finding a badly burned Nintendo it had been her entertainment for a long time, even if recently she hadn't used it much. Books particle burned. Her bed, cloths there was really nothing left.

Turning to leave this mess behind and what she life something caught her eyes. Bending down and moving some chard wood a red hanker chef was revealed that had not been burned at all. That was odd, everything else had been burned pretty badly but this only had a few dirty marks on it. Maybe it was meant to make it to keep the memories of her friend alive. Looking up at Kip Karla could feel the hot tears roll down her cheek slowly.

Setting her keys down and flopping in one of the chairs at Mile's work bench Ryan lets out a long sigh. Leo had been so distine the last few days it felt so strange and as much as Ryan tryed to ignore it she couldn't. Maybe it was just her but it felt like something was totally off.

"Have you guys noticed anything strange going on with Leo other than not coming into work sometimes?"

Ryan hated doubting Leo but it just happened anyways. Tonight they were going to be going out the three of them but...Ryan didt know if he would cancel that too.

Continuing his work Dan listened to Jade talk. He could tell something was wrong from the moment she came into the barn and though he was a little on the busy side today never would he turn her away. As long as she didnt mind him work and listing than he had no problem.

Though stopping for a moment and looking over at Jade. He could see the disappointment in her eyes that she really did want to spend Christmas with him, and he wanted to spend it with her, but family should always be first.

Setting the shovel down Dan gives over to the bales of hay and hops up next to Jade. Putting her arm gentily around her shoulders he gives her a squeeze letting her lean into him.

"I know you don't want to go, but its nice that you will anyways. Things might not have always been great but she's the only one you have."

Leaning his head down on hers for a moment Dan gives the top a small kiss. Than pulling away a little he cocks hia head to tilt her chin up to look at him. Giving a soft smile he just searchs her eyes for a long moment.

"Maybe the day before you leave we can have our own Christmas celebration. No one ever said it actully had to be on that day."

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