
Creep Out

Giving a small chuckle Scarlet's cheeks turned a little red. She new what Eli meant but still what he said had sounded wrong and she could help my mind from taking a few steps to the wrong path before coming back quickly and trying to focus on what he was saying again.

Sitting up again and drawing her one leg up to her chest again and leans her chin on it still looking up as the fireworks went off just letting the question linger in the air. She new for Eli this might be way to fast. It was understandable completely, and if Eli wanted to stop right there she would never hold it against him.

"Do I want more than fireworks yes, do I expect more than fireworks no, because if I was in your shoes I'd be a little creeped out."

Letting out a chuckle Scarlet meant it, she would be creeped out to know someone though something like that of her already without actually knowing them well at all.

"I guess I would settle for a hug and a second date?! Than go from there. Unless I am way to sassy and forward for you, because thats just..come with who I am its not a tactic to draw attachen to myself."

Still leaning her head on her knee she turns her head, her own leather jacket crackling with her movement as she looks at Eli again. The grin was still on her face as her eyes danced in light of the fireworks. Her eyes searching Eli's the silence just continuing to fill the space. In a way Scarlet didn't find it uncomfortable at all, it felt peaceful.

Feeling Alec so close to her with nothing to worry about but just kissing, and being together it felt even better. Alec made her feel so special, just the way he touched her, and kissed her, the way he looked at her.

"Mmmm...this is much better...than...a movie."

Continuing the passionate moment Ryan lets out a low murmer as Alec's lips find her neck again. Her own foot that was free finding his leg and lifting his pant let up so her could run her own bear foot on his leg.

"Don't you know that drives me up a wall...I don't think your the only one being torchered."

Ryan's hand tighten in Alec's hair again before releasing and just running her hands thought it once again. Her other hand still on his back rubbing it lightly. Looking up into his eyes Ryan could get lost in them. So soft, and rough at the same time, over looked by a lot the warmth and fire that lingered it sent chills through Ryan.

Moving her one hand she brings it to the side of his face running her thumb over his cheek, than his jaw, softly over his lips as her eyes stay connected with his just taking them in.

Sleeping lightly in the chair over by the window Hope had fallen a sleep only a little while before after keeping a close eye on Scott while he was sleeping. But hearing the cry for the the sleep was short lived as she shop up from the chair and was over to Scott in a flash kneeling down next to him on the floor.

"Scott, Scott...I'm here Hun, I'm here with you its ok."

Pulling him twords her Hope wraps her arms around Scott knowing he must have had another nightmare. Rocking a little still holding Scott close and running her hand through his hair Hope does he best to bring him comfort letting him know it would be ok, she was there and he was safe.

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