
Kinda Risky

It takes a few moments for Justin to respond, but he finally nods. He knew he had to keep trying. He knew he was doing his best. He was just growing concerned that his best wasn't good enough anymore. "I won't give up," he responds softly. "Not 'til they enforce me not working with her anymore." 

Another sigh emerges before he lifts his head and gives Beth a weary smile. He felt badly that he'd just put a damper on things. "Sorry for the interruption. Now... where were we?" 

Rosalyn knelt in the dirt of the garden, out back behind the dining hall, picking what appeared to be some of the last of the vegetables. Usually on a Sunday afternoon, she'd go home and rest, and take advantage of an opportunity for a nap. But today her mind was too preoccupied to rest. 

Pulling up another radish, she sets it in her pail before wiping her brow with the back of her hand. It was a warm one today - not her favorite kind of day to be working out here in the garden. But it was the most productive things she could find to do. 

Crawling a little ways down the row, she continues to pick. Hearing a car door shut, she pauses her work. Was that the Nevada group leaving? Another car door. She'd seen them packing up earlier. Maybe it wasn't their van doors she was hearing at all. But maybe it was. 

Smirking at herself, she yanks up another radish. She'd known yesterday that she wouldn't get to see them off... or rather see Chad off. She wouldn't be able to do it without giving herself away in front of everybody else, so it was better to just let them go on their way.

"Yeah, got it. One large supreme. Yep. Sure, come pick it up in about half an hour. Mmhmm. Bye." Carson hangs up the hone in the kitchen, ripping the paper off his small notepad. 

It was nearing ten o'clock that evening, but he was still at Mom and Pop's, keeping it open late. Since he still was not open until one o'clock on Sundays, he kept the restaurant open late, which, had proved more profitable since he'd been pushing pizza more the last couple weeks. The menu had changed, as planned, to consist of pizza, breadsticks, chicken fingers, a couple kinds of subs, and salad. Though some had warned him such a menu would be detrimental to his income, it had actually improved business. People liked pizza. And without all the other menu items, there wasn't the expense for such a wide array of ingredients, some of which used to go to waste anyway, from lack of use. Not to mention, it was much easier now to train someone else to cook if he was going to be gone or wanted a day off.

As far as the interior of the restaurant went, Carson had finished painting, replacing light fixtures and rearranging new tables and chairs. It looked very different with a new feel and style, yet it still had a homey atmosphere. The only thing left was finding the artwork he wanted for the walls.

Tonight it wasn't busy enough for anybody else to be working here this late at night, so Carson was alone. At this hour, nobody normally came in to eat - he usually just got calls for pizza to be picked up. Which was okay by him since it was less work. 

Sighing, he spreads some flour on the counter to start rolling out another pizza crust. It was routine now - which was good, since he was so tired and his mind was rarely on task anymore. He'd lost some weight... his eyes were underlined with dark circles and there was a listlessness in his gaze. He was supposed to be happy with this new love affair of his - but one good hard look was all it took to see he was a miserable man. 

Once the pizza was in the oven, Carson wipes his hands on his apron and starts cleaning up some of the dishes. That was probably the last order for the night.

Not hearing the bell on the door, Katie's voice startles him into turning around. His eyebrows rise in sheer surprise. Not because someone was here so late, but because someone from the Elite was. No agents had come here to eat since he'd left Misty. It was almost as if they'd all agreed to no longer give him their business. He also knew Katie had taken a leave of absence but she could have been back for weeks now and he wouldn't have known. 

Seeing her smile made him even more leery, but it didn't appear that she was on business. Wandering from the kitchen to stand behind the counter, he gives her sort of half a smile. "Well hi, Katie. Long time no see." He cocks his head. "Kinda risky, you coming here, isn't it? Or has there been a sudden change of heart in the Elite staff?"

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