

Eric grins and slips his arms around Stacy as she comes nearer. Returning her kiss, he gives her a little squeeze. "Mm... maybe I shoulda got my hair cut sooner." 

Still grinning, he looks down at her, his eyes twinkling. And he wasn't so sure that he'd ever tire of seeing that look of affection in her gaze. He hoped he wouldn't. It was too precious a feeling. 

Ashlee's remark just makes Dylan's face even redder, and he chokes on some sort of laugh. "Well, um... thanks... I guess?" Eric reaches over and thumps the back of his head, making him flinch. "Hey, what was that for?"

"You gotta learn to take a compliment." 

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Yeah, like you?" 

Eric looks down to find his arms still around Stacy, and he laughs. "Well I don't want you going overboard." 

"Can we like... eat? I'm starving."

"Nice change of subject." Eric relents though, and lets Stacy go, but keeps one arm slung over her shoulders. Wandering back to the table, he takes a seat next to her, leaving the other side for the kids. 

Letting Ashlee slide in the booth first, Dylan slips in next to her, extra careful not to crowd her, and quite aware of her mother sitting right across from them. 

Mick has a hard time letting go of Wes, but he does, stepping back and just giving him a long look, his smile returning. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He pauses. "Just don't do it again." 

Cindy chuckles and links her arm with Wes'. "I'll make sure of that." 

"Good." Mick thumbs to the barn. "Well, a bunch of the guys are in the barn if you want to head that direction. We, um... expect both of you for supper for sort of a welcome back party. Nothing big, but we wanted to do something." 

"Angel?" Clint taps on her office door lightly before opening it cautiously and peeking inside. Entering slowly, he makes sure the door shuts behind him. He hadn't been back from town long, and had since dropped Rosalyn off at the dining hall so she could work the rest of the day. 

"I just... um... well, I was wondering if... if you had something..." He glances down and finally turns his face so she could see his eye that was quickly turning a nice shade of purple. "...that might help so this wouldn't get too nasty?"

Jason cocks his head and gently touches his pop bottle to Katie's before taking a long swig. Thinking about what she'd said, he nods slowly. "I... guess I do hope we can stay friends," he admits. "Kinda weird still but... I dunno... maybe time does heal wounds." 

He moves his gaze to the window, quiet again for several minutes. "Maybe we'll at least still make a good Elite team, huh?"

Jared gives Grace a little smirk before his eyes fall shut again. "You'll... get tired... v'nt...v...vently..." He gives up on trying to pronounce "eventually" in his state. "I'm... not... not worth it." 

"Knock knock." Dr. Harvor enters the room slowly, approaching Jared's bed to check his vitals. "Sorry to interrupt." Not that he was interrupting much - Jared had just fallen asleep again. "You're a pretty loyal therapist." 

Leaving Jared be, Dr. Harvor pauses at the foot of the bed, still studying Grace. "I'd like to speak with you... if now's not a good time, then at least before you leave." 

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