

Standing up after Tal stands up Ryan could tell he was in a little bit of pain and she hadn't even though about everything that was still healing on him till now. Laying a light hand on his back and giving him a smile Ryan trys to give him a little support without really saying anything to embarrass him.

   "I think maybe dropping in on Eli and Scarlet is a good idea. I mean...after all I think they might be worse than us."

Giving a laugh Ryan didn't mind teasing Eli as much as he teased her. She new Scarlet was a good woman, and Eli had his head on right so there was nothing to worry about but a little bit of innocent teasing never hurt anyone.

   "Than maybe he can fall off the couch and have Scarlet laugh at him. Sounds good to me."

Hearing that Carson wasn't doing to well Dalton gave a little frown. He was hoping Carson was doing a little bit better but it made sense he wasn't. Giving a simplistic look to Carson Dalton looks down at the bed at his next comment playing with the blanket for a second. 

   "Yeah, I was a little worried there too. Though I might kick the bucket before I could even ask her."

Looking at Carson Dalton's face was slightly sad at the thought. He'd been waiting to ask Dani to marry him for the right time and if he had not been able to before that time came...it was just a sad thought to him. 

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