
Never love at all

"And I told you to let me decide what I deserve and what I don't. I maybe hunted by the Agency, and I might need a bodyguard but that doesn't mean I am a child without a mind of my own."

Destiny turns her head to look at Chance again. She heard what he said, and she new what he meant. He was a wonder, maybe she would be to now that she had no family left. If she kept moving the Agency couldn't find her right.

Still leaning on the railing Destiny turns to so she was now facing Chance. Just watching him for a long moment and studying him. Thinking her words though, thinking her emotions though before she acted to make cretin she new what she was saying.

Slowly reaching her hand out to Chance she places it on the side of his face turning it to look at her. Her thumb running over his cheek bone as she just looked in his eyes for a long moment before speaking again.

"I know and understand what your saying Chance. Once the Agency has stopped hunting me your going to leave and I might very well never see you again. If thats true we better not wast what time we do have together."

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