
Strong point

"I'm doing okay." It was Scott's automatic response. He'd been asked how he was doing many times lately, so his answer came easily, true or not.

Setting his menu aside, he gives a little sigh, playing with his fork. He was glad he was sitting on this side of the table... had he been on the opposite, his blind eye would have been towards the door and he'd gotten used to making sure he could see all he needed to in order to not be cornered unknowingly.

"I don't know," he admits a little more honestly. "I'm alright I guess. Sorry I haven't been around. I've just been.... taking pictures a lot. I should be out looking for another job but... haven't been motivated I guess."

Rubbing his forehead, he wishes to be rid of his headache. "Nightmares keep me up most nights, but other than that... I'm fine. You?"

"Maybe I was waiting to see how many times you'd show up to try and see me," Alec counters.

Axel is still watching, a bit uncomfortable with this whole thing, and he clears his throat. "I believe it's Alec Banks, right?"

Alec straightens and turns to Axel a bit coolly. "That's right." He cocks his head. "Oh yeah. You were here that night."

"I was." Axel was out of the loop, so even more suspicious. "How'd you get here?"

"What? You think I stole a car or something?" Alec holds up his hands. "I didn't. I swear. Never steal cars. Well..." He pauses. "Not unless it's absolutely necessary." Seeing the wary look in Axel's eyes, his own narrow slightly with a faint, cocky grin on his lips. "Chill. I'm on lunch break."

"Lunch break."

"That's right. Call me in if you don't believe me. Or maybe you'd just as soon kick me out before I head for the cash register."

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to." Alec's eyes give off a spark, his shoulders kept square and steady. "But unless my instincts prove me wrong... this mechanic behind me will vouch for my incredible integrity."


"Well... modesty was never my strong point." Alec turns back around to Ryan, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "I got half an hour, babe. We gonna spend it staring into a greasy engine, or out in the sunshine?"

Leo gives little laugh and shakes his head. "Pizza's not necessary, but always welcome. No olives." He grins and accepts the address. "Got it. I'll come on over after work then."

Looking back at Cassy, he remembers her from a year ago. She looked a little different now, but not too much. She was still as pretty as she had been then. Maybe prettier. And despite the rough time, there was still life behind her eyes.

"Guess I'll... see you later."

Sparky had been staring into nothingness when the sound of Faith's voice snaps him to attention. Looking quickly to her bed, his eyes widen. His guitar is immediately left on the window seat as he goes to her side, taking her hand.

"You're awake," he breathes. "Thank God you're awake."

Sinking down in a chair next to her bed, he still holds her hand, his free hand reaching up to come through her hair. "I knew you could do it," he whispers. Swallowing hard, he holds back the tears that were in his eyes. Now his prayer was that this was not a horrid last moment, but a first moment of many to come.

"Scared the tar out of me anyway," he teases quietly.

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