
Won her trophy proud

Chance just holds Destiny close, knowing she needed this. It was only natural and probably doing some good.

As she pulls away and apologizes, he shakes his head. "It's okay." He brings a hand up to wipe a few last tears from her cheek. "I don't mind."

Hearing she would go wash up, he nods. "I'll still be here." Watching her leave, he waits until she's out of sight before turning and leaning his hands on the counter, his expression changing to one of frustration. While he had the chance, he pulls out his cell phone and dials. "Yeah, it's me. Look, I've been thinking and ...What? When? Well yeah, I knew that was one possibility but after the funeral I..." He stops, gritting his teeth to keep from growling. "No, I haven't changed my mind. I just think there might be a better way. It's... No, of course I can handle it, you know that." He sighs and shakes his head. "Fine. I just wish there was some other way. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. ...No, you don't need to find someone else, I'm just saying... yeah, alright. Fine."

Hanging up, Chance is glaring at the counter before he puts his phone back in his pocket and returns to the refrigerator to look for the lunchmeat.

Reese chuckles and nods. "Yeah. Wyatt's been known to frequently accuse me of not getting away from my desk enough. I guess that's what finding someone else is for..." He eyes Angelica with a gentle gaze. "...for helping us remember there's more to life than paperwork and a whole lot more to be enjoyed than just work."

Taking another sip of his coffee, his eyes move back towards the pond, though his hand stays in hers. She really had become a bright spot in his life, more than he'd though she would. He wasn't sure how his affection had grown, but there was no denying it - he cared for Angelica a great deal.

Grinning, Alec's grip tightens just a little as Ryan starts to run her fingers through his hair. It was a sensation he would never tire from. Floating with the gentle water, he reaches bottom with his feet again, making it easier to continue holding Ryan, still both not much above the water.

Reaching up, he takes a strand of her hair that had fallen from her ponytail and had slipped down the side of her face. Toying with it for a moment, he tucks it behind her ear, droplets of water sounding like little bells as they were returned to the lake.

"The high clouds part to show the sky,
A dark and threatening doom.
She waits along the fiery lines,
Amidst the foggy gloom.

A hush take o'er the barren ground,
Silenced battlefield.
The warrior of the hearts cries out,
She will never yield."

Alec's words come whispered, so close that his breath caresses Ryan's cheek. The memorized lines spill out like the very water they were in, silken smooth and warm.

"Though the battle rages forth,
And though great men fall dead.
She holds her head up high and rides,
Fulfilling man's worst dread.

She takes no prisoners but one today,
His heart she proudly bears.
For she has won her trophy proud,
Their lives forever shared."

Alec bites his lip a bit sheepishly, lowering his gaze and flicking away a piece of floating seaweed.

Justin cocks his head just a little, wondering if maybe, just maybe Dalton's irritation had decreased a notch or two. It didn't really matter, but as long as Justin wasn't being kicked out, it was a good meeting.

"You're welcome." Nodding again, Justin backs away then turns, leaving the office to Dalton once more. He had no one else to see here today, so he leaves the building, unsure of when he would return, but knowing he would...

"Hey, Ma..." Justin calls into the house as he enters, letting his backpack flop to the floor. "I'm here!" He hadn't even had time to go home yet today. After stopping at TJY, he'd had to run several other errands, finish up someone's porch, go give tech support to a lady with no computer skills and air up a tire on his truck. He was tired, grimy and just a little bit grouchy. He really just wanted to go home but he'd promised he'd be here for supper, and he never broke his promises to his mother. It wasn't her fault he'd had a long day, and she deserved the company.

Kicking off his sneakers, Justin ambles to the kitchen where he could smell supper cooking. "I picked up your mail on the way in, hope you don't..." His voice trails off as he stops in the doorway, surprised to see a young blonde woman by the stove with his mother. "...mind."

"Oh, Justin, you are here." His mother turns to see him, a broad smile spreading across her face. "Supper will be ready in fifteen minutes."

Justin's eyebrows rise, still wondering who this visitor is. "Ah. Right." Studying the woman's fine features, he finally directs his attention back to his mother. "I'm sorry I... didn't realize you had company."

"Oh, my manners!" His mother wipes her hands on her apron, urging the woman closer to Justin. "This is Rebecca. She is our guest tonight."

Rebecca smiles sweetly and holds out her hand. "Lydia has told me all about you - I'm glad to finally meet you."

Justin, still very skeptical shakes her hand briefly. "I see." He forces something close to a smile out of politeness. "Known each other long?"

"Not really." Rebecca laughs. "My mother and your mother seem to be quite good friends and Lydia wanted me to meet you and to taste her cooking so... here I am."

Justin could see she felt a little awkward, and no wonder. His eyes narrow just as little as he looks back to his mother. "I'm sorry I didn't dress for company. I wish I would have known." It was a subtle way of telling her that he really was not happy about this.

"You look fine," Lydia insists. She shakes her head and looks at Rebecca. "He is so worried, but he always looks handsome no matter what." She waves a finger at Justin. "You can go wash up if you like, then supper will be ready. We will eat in the dining room."

"Dining room? But..." Justin blinks. They always ate in the kitchen. The dining room was reserved for family meals or holidays... for no reason - it was just the way it always had been.

"Yes, yes." Lydia gives him a little shove towards the hallway. "Go now and be right back. It is your favorite."

"But..." Justin gets pushed along and hears giggling as soon as he's out of sight. Reaching the bathroom, he closes the door and leans back against it with a weary sigh. "Why tonight?" he mumbles. It wasn't the first time his mother had invited some young woman over for supper. More than likely, Rebecca had caught on to her little game, and he knew full well what his mother's intentions were. She tried to act as though nothing was out of the ordinary, but Justin knew she was just trying to hook him up with a woman again. She'd picked a bad night. He was in no mood. After tonight, he was going to have to talk with her to stop this nonsense for good. He knew his mother just cared about him, and he wasn't angry with her, but these silly games needed to stop. It was his own life to live and if he wanted to find a woman, he would - he didn't need surprise dates set up without his knowing, while his mother looked on and encouraged the whole thing.

As any good son though, he cleans up the best he can, running a comb through his hair and splashing on just a hint of aftershave. He didn't have time for a shower, so this would have to do.

Returning to the kitchen, he finds that the food is indeed ready - his mother had yet again timed it to perfection. Wandering to the dining room he sees three places set - one on one side for his mother, and two next to each other across from her. Justin keeps from rolling his eyes. "How convenient."

Rebecca looks up from placing a dish on the table. "Pardon?"

"How lovely." Justin forces a smile, though his eyes don't show the same expression.

"Okay, we are ready now," Lydia announces as she brings in the final dish. There was enough food here for two families, let alone three people. "Sit down, sit down," she urges. "Justin, will you please say grace?"

"Of course." Justin moves to one of the chairs, only to run into Rebecca who was headed for the same one. After a little awkward dance, they finally find their seats. Justin can't help a little chuckle, despite his mood, and Rebecca laughs, her face blushing.

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