
Axel, I'm sorry!

Jess takes the napkin and watches as Quinn leaves. Watching as well and making sure he got into his car. Sitting back and looking down at the napkin for a long moment just studying it. Carson words break through her thoughts as she turns and looks at him. Giving a nod she new she had to call Axel because if anything bad happened and she hadn't Jess would feel she was the one to blame.

"Yeah I was just about to call him now. Thanks Carson for helping me out there, I just kind...froze."

Giving a smile to Carson Jess pulls out her phone and dials Axel's number. She had no idea what she was going to say to him but she had to do it. Hearing his voice on the other end of the cell a smile coming across her lips.

"Hey there Hun. I'm sorry to bother you at work but there....was something that happened today I needed to tell you about even if I didn't want to. There...was a guy who came in today and saw the dog tags you gave me. He was quite interested in them, and he had a set just like them. He said he said his name was Quinn, your brother Axel."

Jess lets the silence linger for a moment clearing her own throat and looking down at the napkin.

"He gave me his number for you but I thought I should tell you so in case he was gonna start trouble you new he was here."

Taking a bit of the pie herself Beth gives a smile just enjoying the taste. It did tastes different this time around but it was nice, and it really did feel good having someone over to enjoy it with her.

"I have a hole book full of different recipes my mom had wrote down. She always said it was so one day when we had our own family's we could share a little of our childhood with them."

Beth picks at her pie for a moment for scooping another peace and eating it before looking at Justin again a small little flicker of light in her eye.

"I'm happy she did write them down. I always liked her cooking. Maybe you can come over again another time and I can make something else from it for you. I bet you'd like her chicken parm."

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