
...I think

Scott scowls as his blanket is taken away from him. "It's too early. And I put a doggy door in for Domino last week."

He pulls his pillow tighter under his head. "I don't need mothering."

Hearing her name, Domino suddenly appears in the doorway, one of her chewtoys hanging from her mouth with a bit of slobber. Excited to see people up, she trots to the bed, putting her front paws up as far as she can and depositing her toy next to Scott's face. Her little stump of a tail wriggled with anticipation of getting her toy thrown across the room for her to chase.

Scott doesn't even open his eyes. Moving one hand, he gives the toy a halfhearted thump, knocking it off the bed.

Domino drops down and looks at it, sighing as if disappointed. Instead of trying again though, she picks it back up and leaves the room again, going to find something else to occupy herself if her master wasn't going to play with her.

Scott senses Hope is still there, so he lifts his fingers in a lame wave. "There's stuff in the fridge if you want breakfast," he mumbles. "... I think."

Leo doesn't notice the time passing much. He didn't mind painting and the music and company were good. Moving right along, he's up and down the ladder, painting up to the ceiling. Coming down several rungs to get more paint, his arm is suddenly swiped with Cassy's brush.

His eyes widen and he looks at her, seeing her start to laugh. Quirking an eyebrow and holding a straight face, he smirks at her. "Gotta hand it to ya - you got good aim."

Taking his free hand and wiping some of the paint off his arm with his fingers, there's no warning as he reaches out and gets Cassy's cheek with a finger, giving her a nice stripe down the side of her face."

He takes a step back and wipes his hand and arm on a rag, cocking his head at her, still keeping a straight face. "You got something..." he gestures to his own cheek. "Might wanna look in a mirror or something."

Not paying enough attention to his back, Jason is thrown forward and to the hard concrete. His mouth hits first, sending pain shooting through his mouth and jaw. Being pressed down by Ryan, his reflexes want to jolt her off his back and follow throw with a nice kick to the gut, but he refrains, hearing her words hurled at him.

Once free, he takes a deep breath, pulling himself up on all fours and seeing blood on the floor where his mouth had been. Touching his lip, it's clear it was his lower lip and bottom teeth that had taken the brunt of it. He spits out a bit more blood before getting to his feet.

I'm fine... just had a wildcat jump me from behind. Tell Reese we can't trust Ryan McKade.

He turns around and looks at Ryan, not quite glaring, but clearly not happy. "Be grateful I don't take you in for attacking an officer. As for my hunch, I guess I was right. Next time you're under suspicion, you're coming down to the station. So watch your step, Ryan. The law has a hard time trusting anybody who will defend a criminal like that."

Wiping his lip again, he turns to leave once more, heading for his truck.

Reese jumps at Katie's yell, his eyes going wide. "What? What happened? What is it?!"

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