

 Maybe on a different night, Hunter would have been able to let go of Katie's words. Maybe he would have been able to laugh them off as a dark joke. But something about how she said them tonight only served to increase his concern. If she were sober, perhaps his worry wouldn't be quite as intense. But her drunkenness on top of depression was not a good combination. Once again, he felt that same twinge of guilt for letting her join him in a bar at all. 

"Katie, hold up..." Paying the bartender quickly, he follows Katie's route out the door, just quick enough to get to her before she could get into her car. 

Sliding in front of her, he gives her a smile. "How about I drive, hmm?" There was no way he was letting her get behind the wheel. "Home won't be so bad once you get there..." Or would it? There were other people living with her but would they even know what kind of shape she was in, or check on her?

"Or... my apartment is just a couple blocks down. Wanna come over for a while?" He holds up his hands. "I promise to be a gentleman."

Just remaining seated on the ground, Garret wraps his arms around Victoria even a little tighter. "Normal..." 

Resting his head on her shoulder once more, his face was buried against her neck and hair. He breathes deeply, smelling her sweet scent and wishing with every fiber that they weren't here. He knew nothing else. She knew nothing else. They fought wars and came back here - that was their life. On the outside, it was all a lie. And even on the inside, much of it was a lie as well. Would there ever be truth? Peace? 

Eventually lifting his head again, he searches Victoria's eyes before leaning in and kissing her lips gently. Pulling back, it's only to tilt his head and kiss her again with more passion. He didn't care if he should be getting back to his quarters, seen by cameras. He didn't care if anybody would start to wonder where he was. He just wanted to be with Victoria and nothing else. 

His grip around her loosens and one hand comes up to rub her back. He had no more words. Words meant so little. All he had were his feelings and the only way he could show her was through his affection. Not letting the kiss break just yet, he lets it grow deeper, allowing his mind to forget all else, if only for a few moments. 

Returning Misty's kiss lightly, Carson nods. He'd go back to bed even though he wasn't convinced he'd be able to sleep.

Slowly walking with her back to the bedroom, he slides back in bed and pulls the blankets up again. This time though, he curls into Misty, letting her be the one to hold him instead of the other way around. This time, he just needed to feel her there with him and know he was okay. 

"Thank you," he mumbles into the pillow. "And I'm sorry."

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