

   "Maybe...maybe but for tonight...tonight I can continue to wallow in misery and you can...be my company."

Katie hurt, she was miserable, she wanted to call Jason and say she was sorry but than thinking about what she had seen again with him and Sandy reminded her there was anger there too. It sucked loving someone, hating someone, feeling crushed inside. It had been a long time since Jason made her feel that way. 

As the night went on and another beer was consumed is was that beer that did Katie in. She couldn't help but laugh at the dumbest of things. Everything just seemed funny and she couldn't help it. Her speech was less than perfect even though her concentrated and tried to make it so it didn't work.

   "SHooooo....this...this ish y'o normal shpot to hang out....out?"

Hearing her own speech makes her laugh again as she shakes her head and puts her hand on Hunter's arm. She felt so silly, but at the same time she wasn't thinking about unwanted things either so it made it nice as well. Maybe for this one night, this is just want she needed.

Sitting on the swing this had been her perch all day. Victoria didn't much feel like dealing with anyone or having the eyes of the other servants on her. She just wanted to sit quietly, morn her mother, and shed tears. They had been long dried up by now though and there was nothing left to cry. The silver locked hung around her neck now the place it would make its home. Now she sat continuing to wait maybe Garret would show up.

Picking up on the sound of walking Victoria once again new it was home before even looking. It would bring a smile to her face any other day but today she just didn't feel much like smiling though she did feel happy Garret was now there with her.

   "I was hoping you would come here tonight."

As he walks around and bends down in from of her Victoria looks back deep into his eyes. Sometimes that was the only way for them to share there emotions. To read each other deeper was to look deeper. The window to the soul was through ones eyes.

Bringing her hand out her soft fingers trace Garret's face. She could see his own torment he was putting himself though. It pained her in more ways than one to see this because she new what he had done really was bothing him. Finally resting in his chin her thumb just rungs over the side of his face. A tiny smile find it was out.

   "I told you the day before last Garret that I don't hate you, and I don't blame you so stop saying it."

Finally slipping off the swing Victoria puts her arms around Garret and pulls him into a big hug. She loved him, she always love him no matter what. This was just another hill they would get over. This was there life.

Laying in the dark Misty waits and waits for Carson to come back to bed. The longer she waited the more the worry sank in. She new he'd had a bad dream it was just easy to tell about what though she didn't know. 

Turning the bed down and getting out Misty grabs her robe from the hook on the wall and puts it on tieing it around herself. Walking to the bathroom she just stands there for a moment before coming up and placing a soft hang on Carson's shoulder.

   "Are you ok Hun?"

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