

Justin nods thoughtfully. He appreciated Beth's offer and appreciated her prayers as well. This thing really was bigger than he was, and he needed all the help he could get. "Thanks, Beth. I, um...." He gives her a small smile. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll let you know if I need company." He didn't know if he would take her up on it or not... perhaps he would. But whether or not he did, her offer was nice and it proved how far she'd come.

As Stacy starts to move past him, Jeff's hand remains gently planted on her shoulder to prolong her stay. He finds her gaze like unending pools reflecting the soft moonlight. And his heart skips a beat.

She was thanking him? It brings forth a soft smile. If she'd had half as good a time as he had, it had been worth it.

Releasing her shoulder, his hand slides down to hers, taking it from his arm as his thumb caresses her palm. "You're welcome," he responds quietly.

Cocking his head, he leans closer, planting a brief, soft kiss on her lips. His eyes glint with sheepishness and a hidden smile. Finally backing away, he lets her hand go and gives her a slight nod. "Goodnight, Stacy." And turning, he aims for his bunk.

Eric gives Ashlee a little wave then shakes his head, smiling. He was... glad that she'd wanted to see him tonight.

Sighing a deep sigh of content, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and ambles towards the bunkhouses. Maybe... just maybe he was beginning to find purpose here.

Yawning as he rounds a corner, it takes him a moment to realize he's not alone under the stars. Seeing Jeff just retracting from a kiss a short ways away, Eric skids to a halt. His reaction to turn around and take another route is automatic, and he hopes he hadn't been seen. He didn't want to give something like that an audience. Obviously his brother and Stacy had had a nice evening together. That was good. Stacy needed someone just like Eric had told Ashlee only minutes before. And Jeff needed someone too, so what Eric had just seen was perfectly natural, right?

Instead of going back to the bunkhouses, Eric aims for the dining hall. Maybe he'd wait a few minutes before venturing back that direction.

Stepping up on the porch, he eases down on the porch swing. He could hear some laughter inside from the night owls playing cards, but he decided not to join. He'd go to bed... soon.

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