
Strangely Quiet

It just... wasn't bad? Eric was a little surprised Stacy didn't say more than that about her evening with Jeff. Maybe seeing them kiss wasn't what he thought it was, but it sure looked like there was more to it than just "wasn't bad." It was none of his business though, so he wouldn't ask.

As the conversation comes back to Ashlee, he nods in consent. "Okay. I just didn't want to cause any trouble or nothin'."

Asked about his own day, he chuckles. "Oh, there's not too much to tell there. Most days I just try to help and stay outta people's hair. If I can make it to bed without having been in somebody's way during the day, then I did a fair job." In truth, he didn't even have any actual tasks during the day - it was just things he found himself to keep busy. Everybody else had routines and daily responsibilities. But even after he'd been back for this long, he was still finding it difficult to fit back in to things.

"Been thinking about letting Clint fix up my rig. He's been buggin' me about it for weeks. I figured I needed to pay him first but I s'pose if that's gonna happen, I'm gonna need to get the pay somewhere, and that seems a slim chance without my truck." He shrugs. "Once the road gets in a man's blood, it ain't easy to get out again."

It was a poor excuse. The ranch paid him for his work. And there was a large part of him that didn't really want to be on the road again. But at least when he drove, he knew his place.

Glancing down, Eric pushes the swing gently with his foot. It was the first time in a while he felt a little awkward with Stacy and he wasn't even sure why. It was as if all of a sudden he felt he might be stepping on someone's toes. Jeff's perhaps. Maybe getting back on the road really was as good idea.

Caught in a stare, he doesn't realize how quiet he'd become.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7295

Thx. Sorry its late. 1st chance im alone with borrowed cell.
Tell Jade hi but pls dont tell anyone else i txted u.
Im a mess. Hate my life. Idk where im headed next.
Fine tho. Alive.


Justin shrugs as he dips another piece of sandwich in his soup. "Gotta run up to Brookshire to see my uncle about a case. Then back home, I guess. Got people I gotta call about their computers." He rolls his eyes. "I keep telling myself I'm not going to provide tech assistance anymore, but somehow I don't think my unpaid bills would like that very much."

He chews thoughtfully before shrugging again. "After that, I don't know. Ma's got rides today so she's taken care of. I gotta make a call to check on Scott. But... otherwise... it's shaping up to be a quiet evening I suppose."

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