
B Rated

Looking up from his cell and playing another card Dan hears his phone go off again and glances down. He hopped there would be enough chatting and laughing between turns to at least give him a little more time to read Dylan's text and reply once more.

Re: Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

Nah Don't sweat it. I'm up anyways so its not a bother. Even if I was sleeping still would be ok.

Dan takes another turn throwing down a red 5 but forgetting to say Uno he is caught and takes 4 more cards.

Barrowed cell? Is everything alright? I wont let anyone know you texted me but just promise if you need something just let me know. You're never to far away.

"Hey Hey Hey You didn't say Uno Jade. I'm watching you trying to pull a fast one."

I hope you find what your looking for Dylan I really do. Hey if all else fails I hear there is this great Ranch in Texas that would love to have an extra set of hands and I lonely young girl who would like to have her friend back, but till than just take care of yourself alright?

Putting his phone down again Dan lets out a little yelp as her gets a kick from under the table.

"Alright Alright shesh people..."

As Eric draws very silent again Stacy does too. She remembered him talking about working on the road but she didn't realize he wanted to go back to it. She couldn't help the small bit of sadness that hit her thinking about Eric being gone. She'd gotten use to him being around even if they didn't talk much.

"Well I know one little girl that will be pretty heart broken to see her only other friend leave the ranch. So you better not be gone long at a time. She might go through withdrawals."

Becoming silent again for a moment Stacy just lets the rythem of the swing lull her as she moves back and forth with it. She wondered about Eric and why he was so quiet but it was non of her never mind to go butting in about it. Finally giving a streach she turns to bid goodnight to Eric.

"I better get some coffee before I get to comfortable here and pass out. Have a good night Eric."

Placing her bowl on top of her plate Beth was done with her food. There was still a little of each left but her tummy would surly revolt if she had anything else right now. Folding her hands she lets Justin just continue eating not rushing him at all.

"Sounds exciting. If you want I get out of work a little later tonight but not to horrible bad, I rented this horrible B rated movies this morning and I could use someone to laugh at it with me. If you up for it that is."

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