
Comfort, Love, Content

As Carson comes into the house Misty perks up a little bit. Tossing a smile in Carson's direction Misty lets out a sigh of re-leaf he was ok. Hearing his reason for being late Misty gives a nod but almost finding it hard to convince herself that it made sense but she let it go.

"I'm happy your ok sweet babe. I was getting worried."

Going into the kitchen Misty leans in and gives Carson a kiss before baking up again and yelling into the living room.

"Well the table is set if you guys want to sit down. I'll bring the stuff out. Hun can you find the drinks please."

Standing throwing a strange look to Con. Something felt off though she wouldn't say anything. Maybe it was just her imagination but Carson was extra chipper almost in a nervous say and seemed to ramble a lot too. Strange.

Taking Axel's hang Jess smiles standing and just letting his wrap his arms around her. Jess felt so safe in his arms. The comfort, the love, everything she needed to feel completely content.

Looking up into his eyes Jess own sparkle in the dim light as she leans up and gives him a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"How could I turn you down humm? I think thats just not possible. I'm always here when you ready, and willing to give you space as long as I know your ok."

Jess new Axel needed his alone time sometimes and it could streach for days on end, but she was willing to give him that as long as he did let her know he was ok and he always did. It was just part of the relationship they had come to an understanding on and it seemed to work out for the most part.

Seeing they were back at TJY Trey lets out another sigh. This time is was more of a here we are again. He new he should be thankful he had a place to say but this...this was not what he was use to this was not home.

Giving a chuckle and a smerk at Pete and his comment for a moment it was almost like he could read his mind. Getting out of the car and closing the door behind him Trey walks to catch up. Getting to the door he stops again and looks to Pete one more time.

"I'll help with you paper work if you...can do something for me."

Trey swallows hard for a moment before looking to Pete again. It was kind of hard to admit this. But he new he would need Pete's help.

"There is this girl I think I owe an apology too and...."

Rubbing his hand along the back of his neck for a minute Trey wasn't sure what he was gonna do.

"...I need you to convince her to come to the party tomorrow too but...don't tell her I am gonna be there. She might not come. I...I was pretty bad to her yesterday. Than I gotta....figure out how to say sorry and mean it."

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