
Unvoiced Questions

"I'll eat just about anything," Alec admits. "My taste buds still are off a bit I think, but for the most part there's not much I don't like... especially when it's been poptarts or skipping breakfast for a while now." That much was true. His eating habits hadn't exactly been healthy lately. He still favored bold flavors, especially sour like lemonade, but was continually trying to move past the affects of the Agency drug. At least other things actually tasted good to him now... as did this breakfast. 

Eating the food Misty had prepared, he has to force himself not to eat too quickly. Maybe he hadn't realized how much he'd missed real food. Another dose of cough syrup calms his cough a bit as well, and feeling a little better physically helped his mood too. 

As Misty addresses him, he pauses eating to look over at her, curious as to what she meant by an offer. The curiosity is quickly replaced by surprise though at the news of her pregnancy. His eyebrows rise as his eyes widen. He wouldn't have guessed she and Carson would ever have a kid with how Carson was. He wonders for a moment if perhaps Carson was a jerk enough to have left because of Misty being pregnant. He hoped not, though. Alec had done a lot of bad things, but that would even cross the line in his book. 

Left speechless, he just listens. Work around the house? Wait, what was that about Jason? She and he weren't...? Alec was confused now. Surely there wasn't something between Misty and Jason and that's why Carson had left. Right?

Alec blinks, realizing he'd left Misty hanging in silence. "Um..." The thought of being around here more was definitely appealing when comparing it to his own dingy apartment and being alone. He could help out, sure. He was more than capable, and if he could get a couple good meals out of it, that sure was better than what he had now. 

"Yeah..." He was still surprised she'd offered at all, and was still unsure how to take it all. Shaking his head, he apologizes. "I'm sorry, I just... I keep thinking you being kind to me is gonna run out or something and this is... really nice of you." Searching her face, he finally nods. "I'd like to help out here. I don't need to get paid though. If... if maybe I could just share a few meals? And maybe just... just stay on the couch for a little while? Until I find a job?" He didn't have much time left before Reese was going to kick him out of his apartment anyway, and until he did find a job, he wouldn't have anywhere to live. He'd be foolish to turn down Misty's offer. "I don't wanna get in your way or anything though. I still got a week or two left at the apartment 'til I have to be out, I think." 

Sitting at the table with some of the others, Mick looks up at Katie and smiles. It was nice having her around here again and he'd enjoyed seeing more of her. Her question makes him furrow his brow though, a little concerned. 

"No... he didn't say anything to me, and I'd hardly think he'd eat by himself when you're around." That wouldn't be like Jeff at all. He didn't always socialize with the gang at mealtime, but he'd never skip out with Katie around. 

Mick shakes his head. "He was working pretty hard this morning but when I asked if he was okay he bit my head off. A while ago he headed to his bunk to clean up before lunch." He shrugs. "Maybe he's just ticked off at me. Might be worth you checking on him though."

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