
A little more

Giving a smile as Alec asks about the baby she was happy he was excited and though he didn't say it she could see the look in his eye that said he was. She was more than happy to have him apart of the babys life as long as he continued to walk the right bath and stay clean.

   "I'm only about two months or so along so there is still lots of time left but that just gives me time to straighten things out and get ready."

Finishing off her own bit of toast Misty pushes her plate aside. It was nice having breakfast with Alec and if he was around more at least the house wouldn't be to quiet. In a way she was thankful for that. It would just be nice knowing someone else was in the house too encase anything happened.

   "Still trying to get ideas for the room. I know it's early and all but I guess I'm just a little excited myself and want to start on it. That way I can slowly add and dont have to do it all at once."

 Helping her father up Katie just watches him. He was good at trying to hide anythings about himself but this was something she could see though. She new without him saying it he over did it this morning and she was a little bit aggravated with him for it. He new better and yet he did it anyways.

   "Or you could of over done it this morning like everyone keeps telling you not too."

Letting out a sigh Katie continues to hold Jeff up as he gets his footing. Seeing the waves of dizzyness though Katie didn't like it and she was worried knowing something could be really wrong.

   "Come on, I'm going to take you to Angel because I think there is a little more than just your equilibrium off. I'd rather not have you keel over so I can more dinners with you. Can you walk ok?"

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