

Katie can't help but smile. Carson was almost close to her like Con, she looked up to him. Even if some people couldn't see past his past she could, and she new he had changed his ways. What mattered was the here and now and he'd give his life to God. It gave Katie hope that anyone could change as long as they were willing too.

   "I don't know if I should explain the short version or the long..long...long version."

Knowing that maybe Carson didn't have all the time in the world and though it was slow now that didn't mean it would be slow a few minutes for now she would give him the short version. Going into explanation about there connection, and how Jason had been having with his friends and how she had found a friend in Hunter. It had always been easy to talk with Carson maybe because he had no judgment to give anyone but only help and understanding. 

   "...So He hangs out with his friends once or twice a week and Sandy is always there too. I met her she seems nice but...just the smile the come to his face when he sees her or texts her...I just...He looks so happy. Do you think...I mean...what...what are the signs someone is cheating on you?"

Looking down at Kaylee as she comes over Trey gives a small smile to her before bending down to be eye to eye. His sister made his heart thump, and now that the walls had been broken it made it beat so much differently. There was a love there, and a yurning to protect. It mad Trey slightly sad to think they would be leaving soon and who new when he would see them again. 

   "How about a hug first?"

Wrapping his arms around Kaylee he gives her a big hug and picks her up at the same time. Holding her close for several moments before finally letting go and just holding her on his side giving her a kiss on the nose. 

Looking back to his mother Trey gives a small nod. He had pretty much all the time in the world right now. Nothing really held him back or kept him from planning anything. He might as well enjoy it while he could. The money he had saved up wouldn't last forever and he had to find a job sooner or later witch would limit his time greatly. 

   "Tomorrow for lunch sounds good. Umm...if you don't want to pick me up I can talk to where ever. I don't mind mind."

Trey had been use to having his own car but here he did not so walking would have to work just as good. Not that he hated it to much. The weather was nice out and as long as it wasn't raining he was fine with it. It made him kind of feel like he had independence too witch was a nice feeling.

Seeing Jared's face almost go white Grace stands up and move closer to him. Gently laying a hand on his shoulder. She softly called his name and asked if he was ok but getting no response it made her worry. She wasn't sure what was going on a hundred percent but she could feel her own heart race.

   "Jared...Jared...what is it?"

Hearing that he remembered getting hit Grace sits down on the bed again her keeps her hand on his arm. The fear that played in his eyes made her worried but she wanted to stay close, she didn't want him to lose reality or think he was along. Did he remember anything else? 

   "Do...do you remember anything else? Should I fetch the Dr?"

Grace would of told him even this was a good start to remember but how scared he looks kept her from doing so at least now. She would wait till he calmed, till he was more stable, till the shock would ware off. To much to soon could be dangerous and she new it. The last thing she wanted was to push him over the edge.

   "Breath Jared, keep breathing ok!"

Holding her putter and purple ball Ashlee looks to Dylan and gives a grin. This mini golf place looked like fun. It was dark but everything was lit up nicely. There were trees, and water falls, plastic animles to make the setting look like a real jungle it was better that she could of imagined.

   "You think we should let them go first so they can try and get a jump on us?"

Ashlee gives a laugh before turning to her mom and gesturing for her to stop up to the hole and make her first turn. She liked teasing her and Eric maybe because he new they could take it but it was fun and a little friendly competition never hurt anyone.

Shaking her head and smiling at her daughter Stacy new this was going to be bad. She hadn't played mini golf for a long time and even when she did, she was never very good at it. Stepping up to the hole and setting her green ball down she stands ready. Giving the ball a tap it going down the turf and hits the wall before heading for the hole and coming to a top.

   "Look...its rigged already."

Ashlee gives a laugh before looking to Dylan and giving him a nod. He could go first she didn't mind at all. Who knows maybe he was better than he thought anyways.

Beth continues to smile as Zach talks about making his day off fun. She really had, had a nice time too. It was fun to hang out with him and just have a good time. It was much better than spending the time inside doing nothing. Zach didn't seem to mind the times when she was quiet either, witch was nice and it made her feel comfortable.

As Zach asks about doing dinner sometime Beth searches his face. Something about the way he asked was different. It was almost like it was more than just a friend thing but she wasnt sure. Maybe she was looking into to it a little to much. She been to lunch with him though...so why not say yes? She liked being around him and spending time with him.

   "I'm not one hundred percent sure but... As you asking me on a date? If you are...than...yes...if not your not...forget I even asked and yes anyways."

Beth couldn't help but laugh as she new how toung tired she was sounding. She couldn't back track now least she sound even sillyer than she already did.

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