

Letting out another long sigh Katie sat on the pouch step with her one knee up to her chest as she watched the rain drops. No Jason today he had called off work and Katie guessed to hang with his friends, no Hunter either he was off doing his own thing. So it was just Katie and the rain and her own thoughts.

Some days were good, and some days were bad. There were moment's when Katie found hope, hope that things would Jason would be ok. She loved him, and somewhere she new he loved her too. There was hope that things would work out. But than the days of hope were followed with the ones that had none. Where Hunter's words would come back to haunt her. She would never think Jason would do something like that to her...but everything pointed to that. Was he slipping away? Was she losing him? Katie wondered if someone else could give her some insight.

...Pulling outside of Mom and Pop's Katie quickly makes her way inside doing her best to stay at least a little dry. Opening the door the little bell tingles and Katie spots Carson at the counter. Coming over and sitting down on the stool Katie is quiet for a second before giving a small grin.

   "5...8...63...9...and..Heya Carson."

Katie new she was being a little annoying but she also new that Carson might find a little humor in it. She was trying to get his attachen while he was deep in thought anyways. Not to mention she new that he wouldn't be messed up that easy.

Why she had come here to talk was simple Carson was one of her friends and there was one simple question she wanted to ask and with Carson's background she new she could with out offending him.

   "You got a moment we can talk?"

Coming up from down below Trey slips into the break room to grab a candy bar and pop from the vending mashean. Exiting Trey scan's the cubicles his eyes landing on where his mother and sister sat. He's been meaning to call her again so they could have lunch or something again before she left but he'd forgotten day after day. Now that she was here though...was it to late?

   "Hey there Squirt."

Trey reaches out and brushes Kaylee's cheek with his finger before backing away to continue to let Con play with his sister. Looking to Cindy Trey gives a little smirk. Something inside hoped he wasn't to late and there was still time to spend with them before she left.

   "I...know your busy right now but I was wondering if before...you guys left if you wanted to have lunch again or...or...something?"

Grace can't help but laugh again. Aside from Jared's eyes she liked his sense of humor as well. He was funny, and she enjoyed hearing the humor. It was refreshing and nice to see he had that still even if sometimes it brought color to her cheeks.

Seeing the look on Jared's face as he takes a sip of the grapefruit juice Grace can't help but bring a hand to her mouth and give a laugh. Taking that juice away and playing something else in the spot she gives a nod.

   "I've never been a fan of grapefruit juice myself."

Shaking her head a little bit Grace was pleased to see she was able to flirt with Jared too. At least it wouldn't be a one way street that way. 

   "Ha, Cook for you full time huh? I don't know in that case I might have to start charging you something."

Ashlee gives a laugh as she takes a sip of her Pop. It was good to see the humor going around even Dylan's though it was dry maybe that was just him. 

  "Ok, I can take Dylan and mom can take Eric sounds good to me."

Stacy take another shake of her head. Seeing the smile on Ashlee's face was worth everything and seeing Dylan coming out of his shell a little more was pleasing to her too.

   "I dont know the teams might still be uneavan because I am not that great too but I will gladly be on Eric's team."

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